Let's talk about the Kerran.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by ortawort, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    Top one I could deal with, bottom one has horrid proportions.

    These btw are from other games so obviously these are not "direct" ideas.
    Give it frills and GODS YES I WOULD PLAY THIS!

    This wouldn't be too bad either

    I could even go for something like this

    But not something like this (Sorry Killer Croc your great but not in EQN)

    Or this which btw says "Lizardman" but for some reason I think it's a Lizard Woman. The body is semi masculine but the lips/face say feminine.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    Funny how this started as Kerran and now we are on Iksars... I guess we are all worried for our Racial Favorites.
  3. Ucala01 Member

    the first 2 Iskar you showed look hot. the rest I don't care for
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    That was the point :)
  5. Cube Active Member

    Don't think they are doing that anymore.

    I would not mind if all the animal races looked like disney robin hood though but the Kerran don't yet. it looks like more like world of war craft mixed with disney with a strange body not fitting of the animal.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    Doing what?
  7. Cube Active Member

    Iskar that dont look like cartoons.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

  9. Cube Active Member

    Xillean likes this.
  10. ShyMidnight Active Member

    I really like the new art concept for Everquest Next, and don't agree with all the slurs on the Kerran art. Frankly, I think the Kerran looks brilliant. I also think that if the art gets changed, there will be a lot of disappointed people who really like it and are looking forward to the less serious mood the art creates.

    I enjoy this game a lot, but it doesn't mean that I think the type of art used in Everquest 2 should be used in a game concept like Everquest Next. Everquest 2's art is okay, but far from perfect. Eye of the beholder stuff. I have certainly cherry-picked races in EQ2 based on what I can tolerate look wise. It doesn't mean I refused to play the game, just that I adapted to what I felt were weaknesses in some of the EQ2 character appearances. I ended up with humans, Ratonga, Arasai, Fae, and Freeblood. In EQ2 I didn't like the Kerran art (hence I don't have any Kerrans). I was really happy to see the revised Kerran for Everquest Next.

    Anyway, I pretty much hope the Kerran doesn't get damaged by this. I'd rather cater to everyone by adding additional Kerran appearance options, than lose the one I've already set my heart on. I'm a huge lion fan, and I really appreciate what the artists did with it, and I really like the torso/bigs paws art.

    For what it's worth, that's my opinion.
  11. Estred Well-Known Member

    You opinion is fine. Many of us posting here are beast-race lovers. I don't play Kerra but I do see where they are coming from. I probably won't play one because I am partial to reptilian races myself. My larger complaint is with the armor, it's not positioned right because it's floating and lacks visual structure. It also has gaping holes in it.

    You know what "Fullplate" is? This is what real fullplate is.
    Do note how the shoulder guards rotate around the shoulder and do not come up beyond the neck very much. The armor is designed to cover as much as possible without overly inhibiting movement beyond it's weight. (Full Plate when made of tempered steel can weigh 44 LBS). Think of how much that Kerra's over-exaggerated 4" thick plate mail weighs? Those "bracers" would weight more than the whole suit of armor pictured above. It's not a wonder he is a "beef-cat" if that is what he is weighing.

    That is my issue, there is no founding for the armor at all beyond "cool points" EQ has been known as a Realistic-Fantasy setting and you can Stylize Realism believe it or not. It's just really hard but adding elements such as, structural realism through things like Bolts or Chains to hold the armor together also the armor is rarely more than .25-.5 inches think any thicker is too heavy and offers little added protection at all and makes the wearer unable to move.
    Mermut and Barbachauf like this.
  12. Cube Active Member

    Also the Kerra is flat shaded and textured and on a 3d model that just makes them look bald.
    Barbachauf likes this.
  13. Barbachauf New Member

    What do you do to fix that?

    It looks EXTREMELY dated.
  14. Estred Well-Known Member

    High end Nvidia cards have extremely good real-time shader for fur. I don't think that SOE will be using that system though as it is supported on the 640 and up iirc.
  15. Barbachauf New Member

    Well, other furry characters in other triple A MMOGs don't look flat shaded or textured, so...
  16. Cube Active Member

  17. ortawort New Member

    I wish I could be more respectful here, but your opinion is just wrong. The problems with the Kerran are more fundamental than just having a weird lion face that you happen to like.

    His body just would not work. His legs are incredibly small and weak-looking compared to his gigantic upper body and arms, and his tiny, tiny waist would be snapping in half under the weight of all that unrealistic and gaudy armor (which happens to look like plastic, by the way). The lion face itself is a nice idea, but their artistic direction turned a rather majestic animal into something cutesy, as if it had come from a pixar film (hello, Alex from Madagascar).

    No one here wants them to get rid of the lion option for kerrans. We just want it to look... good. They could create a lion head that actually inspires the same kind of respect and awe that lions are regarded with, but, instead, they go this cartoony route that just makes the Kerran look ridiculous. When you factor this ugly, toon head with the kerran's disgusting proportion issues and his questionable style of armor, it's just a giant mess that really needs to be scrapped and redone.

    Like other posters in this thread, I fear for the well-being of my precious iksar.

    We want more of this:

    And less of this:
    Estred likes this.
  18. Ucala01 Member

    his legs do look weird looking to support his massive shoulders, but than again, the females of eq2's chest couldn't be supported by their bodies on the humans, and elves at the least :p and no one seemed to complain on that
    Ajjantis likes this.
  19. Cube Active Member

  20. Estred Well-Known Member

    I would so love more of the Puzzle Quest 2 style even with Forgelight as the light system that could look amazing. Really though the Armor needs to be addressed.