Legion of the White Rose--Halls of Fate Server

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Yammie, May 17, 2019.

  1. Yammie New Member

    Legion of the White Rose

    Legion has opened up recruiting on Halls of Fate. We're an active guild of mature players who enjoy playing the game and grouping with good people. We do all the tiers and events in the current expansion, and have a raid force that forms every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday evening. On Saturday evening we generally run an additional raid for players who need the lower level zones to catch up to the main raid force.

    Legion has no restrictions on classes joining the guild. We welcome returning players and those who are wanting to experience more from the game. You'll find that we group together a lot, and help each other to achieve our goals. We respect our fellow players, have high behavior standards for our members, and keep a sense of humor while playing. The vast majority of us are working adults, and though we keep our guild chat clean, we're really an 18+ group of people.

    If you feel like you're lagging behind a bit in gear or experience in the game, don't let that stop you from checking us out! We have many experienced players in our guild who can answer questions and offer guidance. Again....we run all the tiers in the game with active members, so there are opportunities in Legion to get what you need.

    For any questions, please feel free to send an in game mail to Yammie or contact any of our members with a tell. If we don't answer right away we may be in a zone, so please try again. Our guild hall is located in Antonica and open to visitors.

    If you've already made your decision and would like to join Legion of the White Rose, please apply on our website. It only take a few minutes, but an important step.


    Take care and see you in the game!

    Established in 1998, the Regal chapter of Legion of the White Rose is an EQ II based guild on the Halls of Fate server.
    Xsidios and Oranorn like this.
  2. Yammie New Member

    Wanted to add that we use Discord for chat.
    It's intuitive and pretty easy to set up. Guild members are often in there, so if you have any questions it's a good place to reach us.
    Our channel is http://discord.gg/eJSmSvY

  3. Yammie New Member

    Raiding nights have changed to Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Actively raiding T4 right now, but also loads of grouping opportunities.
  4. Yammie New Member

    With the new expansion, we welcome players looking for an active guild that's not too big that they get lost in the shuffle...and definitely not too small where they can't get a group together. Come check out the new content with us and have some fun! There is so much to do in this game, and there's really no reason not to get left behind.


  5. Yammie New Member

    Still going strong.