Krono Xpac token

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by eq2Liaya, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Wurm Well-Known Member

    So what most of this thread comes down to is:

    "Please please charge me silly amount of money just because I don't know what else to do with it!"


  2. Wurm Well-Known Member

  3. Skwor Active Member

    No what it amounts to is a bunch of people demonstrating, as usual, the "I want something for less than it is worth or even nothing" mentality. Which, of course, leads to less content and lower quality, then more whining about less content and poor quality then asking to pay even less again..on and on and on in a vicious cycle that kills the product. This leaves the majority to scratch their heads in a completely unjustified surprise asking "What happened?"

    Something I have come to expect from the population in general.
    Terein and Amiya like this.
  4. Amiya New Member

    Agree, Please allow us the option to trade Krono's in either at 4 or 3 it does not matter.
  5. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Huh? Last time I checked Krono costs $17.99, anyway you look at it that isn't free.

    Simple math for you...

    Expac costs between $40,00 and $49,99. 3 Krono = $53,97 4 Krono = $71,96

    Nobody in this thread is talking about getting anything for free. However a few of us want a fair price (while still paying a premium). Big difference.
  6. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Edited to reflect the change in the quoted text.
    Terein likes this.
  7. Elostirion Well-Known Member

  8. Skwor Active Member

    Actually I think you are being a tad simplistic in your supply and demand model assumptions. I would argue that it would more likely result in an increase of third party purchases of kronos which would in turn reduce their overall plat value to the point where a plat purchase of the xpac at 3 kronos would actually be less than the real world value.

    I say this becuase I believe most would find it easier to buy plat this way and would be willing to spend cash for plat, now don't get me wrong SOE would still make money in the end. I am not so sure your supply and demand assumption of increase scarcity for kronos would result in more income for SOE as opposed to the 4 krono value for the xpac exactly becuase of the plat inflation on the servers..
  9. Skwor Active Member

    I said for less than the value or even free. Please keep it in context. For the better description of what I am positing see my post #28 in this thread.
  10. Skwor Active Member

    Admonishes about speaking politics then goes on to speak about politics. really ?
  11. Amiya New Member

    I had already removed it before your post, but it does not make it any less true....
  12. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Demand for Krono will go up as a direct effect.
    Plat price for Krono will go up as a result.

    Quantity supplied for Krono will go up as a response to the primary
    Plat price for Krono will float back downward to the new equilibrium.

    This is a standard positive supply shock scenario. Everything always floats back down to a new equilibrium, but in the interim the plat price for krono will be higher until the new equilibrium value is found. The only way that plat purchases of krono would occur at less than "real world value", whatever that means, is if sellers are idiots and price their krono too low.

    Plat is not scarce- it is created from nothing every day.
    Dollars are scarce. Kronos are a shadow-form of dollars. Therefore they are scarce.
    This has no effect on inflation, as plat given for kronos still exists afterward. There might be a minor effect of people farming plat more to buy kronos... but since people farm so much already, this effect will be minor.
  13. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I am keeping it in context. And with all due respect, I still think your post was pure drivel. Someone asking for it to be 2 Krono, sure then you have a valid point. So far I haven't seen anyone asking for that at all.
  14. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I have no opinion on politics I'd care to share with you other than the fact it has nothing to do with EQ2.

    And for the record the person I voted for didn't win, take that as you may.
  15. Chronus Active Member

    I'd pay 5k Freeport or Splitpaw plat for the expac to be honest, that's what 5 Kronos?

    Must say I'm suprised SoE hasn't done this already with how much cash they'd make.
    eq2Liaya likes this.
  16. Skwor Active Member

    A possible scenario but not necessarily the only one or even the most probable. Some factors which impact a typical positive shock scenario. First this is a one time interjection into the market not a long term translatable commodity, second the inherent value in plat for the xpac is at the moment an unknown. What exactly would the population on a server be willing to pay in plat for the xpac verses what they would pay in cash? Given just these two variables SOE could easily make more money in either the 3 or 4 krono price point, my belief is the 4 krono price would win the day, others say 3. When in doubt and with a command market for the xpac, which arguably this is, one would typically start at the higher price point and go down from there if the market stayed flat after initial offering.

    See posts 35 and 38 as far as evidence on the point I was making regarding what people would be willing to pay in plat.
  17. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Same here. I want 2 expacs, and I'd pay lots of plat for it.

    The Krono should have been $5, to make math easier, and been usable for everything, and never go 'on sale'. That would fix many issues and increase utilization of them, and thereby increase SoE income.
  18. eq2Liaya Member

    agree i would pay 4-5k as well
  19. Wurm Well-Known Member

    They should have been exactly the same as the 30 day time cards. Not a penny more. It costs SOE money to have the cards printed and shipped. Comparatively; Krono doesn't cost them hardly anything at all.
  20. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Yep post #21 sums up this thread perfectly.