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Kander's Candor Episode 3

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by dreamweaver, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. dreamweaver Well-Known Member

    Saw-Lau, Cyrrena, Rosyposy and 3 others like this.
  2. Bella222 Active Member

    Kandor, I really liked your reply to the question of casual players and dungeons. Am I correct to assume then that dungeons for casual players are labeled solo/duo dungeons. They can be completed alone, with a friend, or with a merc?
    Cyrrena likes this.
  3. Obano Well-Known Member

    Kander seemed to have answered his own question about casuals.

    Casual =/= Solo (There is no shortage of solo content in this game, in fact there is probably "too much" solo content)

    It is lack of causal heroic content and pick up groups that people complain about. You can't just throw together "any" group of people to a do a zone. It requires specific builds and casuals have trouble with that. Every group needs some kind of power feed, a competent tank to deal with bulwark, experienced healers or sometimes two healers, and high dps or bard to round it out.

    There used be casual dungeons in all the old expansions that didn't really require much:
    DoF had Clefts of Rujark and Scornfeather roost
    KoS had Sanctum of the Scaleborn and Nest
    EoF had Valdoon and Kaladim when it was level 60s zone
    RoK was Karnor's Castle and Crypt of Agony

    These zones are popular on TLE but we don't really get this kind of content on the live servers anymore. There should have been something between solo and T1 heroic. Something like a T0 "tier zero" heroic zone that gave legendary 160 resolve loot would have filled that niche.
    Xevran, CSP84, Cyrrena and 1 other person like this.
  4. Bella222 Active Member

    Kandor & Dreamweaver I listened very carefully but I could not tell if you were putting the levels back on crafting materials for levels 1-100. Like so many other players I really miss the levels as it has made crafting for friends or alts so much more difficult.
    Cyrrena likes this.
  5. dreamweaver Well-Known Member

    I don't recall us talking about that in the episode, but I would put it in the question thread.
    Breanna and Cyrrena like this.
  6. Abasinolanam Active Member

    So, Gninja is henceforth known as Gingy. Got it.

    The ninja gingerbread merc suddenly makes sense now.
  7. Adene Member

    Eh? They already put the levels back, unless I'm misunderstanding the question. It's just the later levels/expansions that have some overlap in their labeling/sorting.
    Breanna, Cyrrena and Rosyposy like this.
  8. dreamweaver Well-Known Member

    I accept this.
    Breanna, Rhodris, Cyrrena and 2 others like this.
  9. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    My personal perspective is that nerfing the xp from killing mobs and discos makes the game more difficult for soloing. (Still playing, though!)
    Siren, Breanna and Cyrrena like this.
  10. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I am with you here. I read the quoted post and went "huh?" they have been back for over 2 weeks now.

    So I am assuming I am misunderstanding the question.
    Breanna, Adene and dreamweaver like this.
  11. Beee Well-Known Member

    Just an input about the autoattack: It's just wrong a high end mage with 3 flurry items (and 9000 dps) can do about 40% of the dps from autoattack.

    This seems a little bit strange using flurry instead of ABDC is much better
  12. Lynnewellen New Member

    I admit to being somewhat of a horder and I suspect many players are. Would it be possible to have like a wardrobe page for all those illusion rewards from the early collections?
    I would also love to have those pets rewarded from quests to either have a page like the familiars or be possible to make into house pets or become spells like the fluff pets. Would that be possible? It would free a lot of space in my bank boxes.
    Also would it be possible for more adornments to fit into the depot? I was so annoyed to get the rares needed to craft the personal adornment depot and find nothing fit into it.
    I would love to be a part of your community committee. What are the requirements?
    Cyrrena and Rosyposy like this.
  13. mothelm Active Member

    So i have noticed there is nothing once again for progression guilds operating on live servers in bonuses...not everyone in this game is Playing IN BoL only ....throw us a bone once in awhile please =_)

    Eixx Leader of Rewind
    Cyrrena likes this.
  14. Marae Well-Known Member

    I just want to say thank you to Dreamweaver and Kander for doing these. I listened to all three episodes today and very much enjoyed them. I appreciate the information provided, and more than that, you guys are so much fun to listen to! Love the humor, and love the warmth that comes through, for both the game and the players.
    Breanna, Rosyposy and Cyrrena like this.
  15. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Thats i see as Beee ...

    There are many things in class balance that need to be corrected. To list everything here would mean pages of text that nobody reads at the end.

    Here is just one example related to the "autoattack" that is now relevant again.

    Let us take the guardian as a class, which is the only class to receive a massive bonus from its "bonus ability => Offensive Focus" of the "single focus" and this for years.

    If the guard has 100% AoE Attack and activates the "single focus", he gets 100% flurry and a 50% chance of "instant offensive ability recast".

    Let us compare the crusaders who have nothing of the same. What them can do is to set 8 AA points in order to get a total of 0.8% ability double cast. What a comparison ...

    From the "single focus" no class other than the guardian receives an additional advantage, which can also have massive effects.

    The Encounters are known to have immunities. Most classes do not get enough flurry to make sense of immunity or to overcome it at all, the guardian gets this for free.

    The immunities for flurry known to us range from 40% in the solos to 105.3% in a raid tier3 encounter.

    If the guard puts on a flurry item in each of the 3 possible slots and activates his "single focus", them is at about 241.3% flurry.

    Most other classes only reach around 141.3%. And for that they need all 3 flurry parts. There are a few more classes that flurry buff themselves, but not to the extent of the Guardian.

    But normal classes only have about 35% of the flurry chance left after immunity has been deducted on raid. If these people only have 2 flurry parts, it is as if they have 0% flurry.

    If you now see people who make 10,000,000,000 and even bigger autoattack hits then get from 10,000,000,000 to 40,000,000,000 dps through autoattack, we are back with people who do "afk" far more dps than others in the active gameplay.

    And that doesn't mean that these people go afk, because by playing actively, they can usually double or triple their dps.

    There are also bugged classes, such as the Beastlord, where the beastlord pet avoids combat mitigation with its auto-attack. As you can see very well in the public quests, some beastlords are at 10,000,000,000 dps, where the rest are between 250,000,000 and 450,000,000.

    The next point would be the wdb class buffes, which some classes have but not the mass.

    I hope we will see some fair balancing here.

    Other topic:

    A really important question for Kander would be when will we finally see a 64bit client for EQ2. And the removal of directx 9c game cashes.

    Because what really bothers me the most is the crashes of the game or the client closings, as soon as the 3147Mb RAM is used, which can be used at a maximum of 32bit.
    Tupperbeast likes this.
  16. Arclite Well-Known Member

    Please the guards out of this. We only have one saving grace compared to other tank classes. Our combat arts are non-existent in terms of being classified as useful abilities. The flurry conversion is nice and is needed. Without it, it will be a substantial drop to guards dps on single targets as the rest of the parse is made up by the ascension hits. I have seen paladins running around with 9k dps mod with wdb overcap jewellery and they destroy parses on single targets. A guard cannot come close to them with auto-attack flurry advantage. Sks, monks can too leave the guards behind.

    You can equip 3 items to get over the 100% flurry part so I do not see an unfair advantage as other classes have had for years and getting away with it.

    The class balances should exactly be that: Balancing of classes w.r.t stats and the content on offer. If i see the update notes saying: X class X ability now does 1.2% more damage I will be yet again disappointed. That is not a fix. Its a plaster over a severed carotid artery.
  17. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    I think a better question to be asked is: what's the point of having a statistic at all if bosses can counter 150% of it? That's nonsensical when you really think about it. You want to balance the game? Put stats in that will do something if you put points into it. That said, no boss mob should be able to counter a stat or statistic completely like we currently see. Otherwise, you waste everyone's time around this because it's nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
  18. Tupperbeast Active Member

    The Point is more if we really need Fervor Resolve Combart Mitigation Bulwark and the other no sense stats! Eq2 was a great Game with oldshool stuff, we need back the old stats and class Balance at all. So we can bring back a player Base and more Groups too, with all the Changes with new stuff Daybreak ruin the Group Gaming too or bring Return Players Back. And the other off Topic Design is stop the RNG and Pay to Play function in Game let Peeps learn the stuff by killing stuff.

    And was ingerimm say bring 64bit system with better Directx in the Game most Crashes is a result of the old Software where you use.

  19. Ingerimm Well-Known Member


    1. I don't intend to argue with anyone, that makes no sense. As written, it was just an example. There are significantly more points across all classes that need to be balanced.

    2. If you compare players and classes, they must have the same gear stand, the same mount and the same mount equipment, as well as the same familiar on the same level, the same guild buff and the same game skills, otherwise a comparison is not useful.

    3. I don't think there is a single tank class that has more advantages over all other tank classes, in almost every area, than the Guardian.

    Here are a few examples:
    - more stone hides as all other tank classes
    - more aggro tools as all other tank classes
    - more self and group buffs as all other tank classes or buffs that affect more players in the raid
    - high group damage reductions nearly permanent
    - more aggro bounds as all other tank classes
    - you have still one real damage reflection ability
    - the only class with an additional "single focus" with bonus effects

    For example, if you want to take the Paladin again in comparison:
    - a single stone hide
    - we can heal ourselves a bit, ok that's an advantage, but has been reduced a lot
    - we can cure ourselves, but wait, this is since 2 addons now only possible in solo instances, in heroics and raids it was prevented by the cure level in most cases
    - we have no aggro snaps
    - we have no aggro bounds
    - our raid buff only affects healers
    - hey we have 2 damage reflections, eh no moment that was since 3 addons now converted into ridiculous damage when you hit procs
    - and so on ... but all well, we can play our class like that, but fair balancing is something else

    How many times has the offensive Guardian ability damage been increased? I think it was 4 or 5 times, almost every last expansion.

    "Sarcasm on" But clearly I'm sorry that we would like a bit more balancing, you are so underpowered as poor guards. "Sarcasm off"

    And now we leave it at that, let the developers decide what balancing means for them. For me, it would be if everyone had advantages and disadvantages in different areas. And not that a class is almost bursting with skills and others are allowed to see how they can get the best out of the little that is left.