June Deco-Raid UPDATE

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Llieam, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. Llieam Well-Known Member

    Nascene - DEV PICK - HHE20
    Aabari - HOF - Freeblood Funeral Parlor & Cemetary
    Xxtacii - MEDIUM - Othmir Paradise
    Odyzz - LARGE - Halas Winter Haven
    Jala - MASSIVE - Deepwater PITA Pocket
    Lilithe - HOF - Memorial Gardens
    Maryjanepeach - HOF - MJP's Nut House
    Shonjir - HOF - Chanur's Trading Post
    Kareena - MASSIVE - Mystial Underground
    Warehouse - MEDIUM - The Court of the Far Seas
    Azzuriite - HOF - Kingdom of Eladrin's Gala

    Thank you for everyone that showed homes, and also to those that showed to support our decorators!!

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.