Jewel crafting agility items

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-majoria71, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-majoria71 Guest

    I'm a level 56 jeweler and fairly new to the game, just a few months playing.
    My question is: why is their a lack of agility items to craft in the jewelcrafting profession?
    Doesn't the archer need agility jewelery? I see more wisdom items than anything. It is very scarce, or
    is their a way to get recipes some place else for it? I am getting the advanced books also.
  2. ARCHIVED-Seiffil Guest

    You basically have one set of jewelry items per archetype.
    You aren't missing any recipes, there's just fewer slots to fill for scouts then there are for mages and priests, and even fighters, due to the fact they can use symbols in the offhand and ranged slot, while a scout isn't using jewelry in those slots.
  3. ARCHIVED-Finora Guest

    There are rings, bracelets, necklace & belts with agility. That pretty much covers it for scouts.
    All other slots would have items made by a different crafting class.
    Ranged slot would have stuff from either a woodworker or a tailor.
    Charm slots would have items from tailor or if you have a reactant something from a sage.
    Cloaks are tailor.

    I know there were some bugs in some tiers from the item revamp, some of which have not been addressed yet where there were messed up items (some belts as I recall & a necklace in one tier), however. I have made scout jewelry in several tiers pretty recently with no issue. I did mostly ignore belts though due to having reactants to make something for that slot (reactant belts are provisioner by the way)