It's time to give bards poisons.

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-BubbaCajunOG, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-BubbaCajunOG Guest

    Self Explanitory.
  2. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    BubbaCajunOG wrote:
    No, its not.
    Its also not needed, what is needed is a mechanics change to all the +Poision triggers in the game to also work on either both of our AAs or also increase the proc rate on Dead Calm & what ever the name of the troub version is.
  3. ARCHIVED-Exordus Guest

    It's been a long time, but if memory serves Bards had poisons early on. They took it out for a reason and I doubt it'll ever go back in.
  4. ARCHIVED-RDMyth Guest

    bards have never used Poisons.... maybe once long long long long time ago in beta... but not since live.... and why i think bards could benefit from them.... i dont think its a nessecity.... been doing fine for 3/4 years with out... and i will be fine if we never do......
  5. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    Not sure we really need poisons. More procs is always nice but I have been dealing some wicked DPS with this last expansion. but we are scouts and poison is a scout trait. Like taunts and tanks, water breath and healers, mages, and wiggely fingers?
  6. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    I agree, bards should have poisons.
  7. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    We have absolutly no need for crafted poisons.
    Stop trying to make us like every other scout and ruin the class. If you want to proc poisons then SPEC for it. Its cheaper and procs quite often. A Dev also mentioned that the boots with the increase to poison proc would work with toxic notes.
  8. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    Krooner wrote:
    ?!? Link please, I know the boots can be upgraded so they add reuse to riana's but have not read/heard anything about it increasing Toxic Notes/Posision AA
  9. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Cant find the quote right now.
    It was in the Items and Equipment section. The forums search engine really stinks. Cant filter down or it errors out.
  10. ARCHIVED-harduc Guest

    Androw@Najena wrote:
    are you talking about the boots that drop from the first named in pera's lab? (had no clue armor could be upgraded. How is that done, with marks or seals on a vendor like tso t2->t3?)
  11. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Yeah its the boots from Labs I beleive. Has a +3% to poison procs. I saw a redname somewhere state that they were looking into making it proc with toxic notes.
    The boots are upgradable with Seals not marks. The seals that drop from raid zones.
  12. ARCHIVED-Zellakrysta Guest

    Originally bards where supposed to be a DPS type class. Back in the day they where supposed to do an equivalent amount of damage to other scouts but without the use of poisons. I.E. their CA + AA dmg would make them equivilant to other scouts CA + AA + Poison.
    In any case I see no reason why bards shouldn't get poisons at this point.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gladiolus Guest

    BubbaCajunOG wrote:
    And then? Teach brigands to sing? Assassins to recite poetry?
  14. ARCHIVED-Macross_JR Guest

    Serpicos@Unrest wrote:
    Bards were never to be a true dps type class, they were developed to be a buffing class. I don't know where you got it in your head they were suppose to be dps.
  15. ARCHIVED-DngrMouse Guest

    Gladiolus wrote:
    Self castable BC, please.

    Signed, Swashbuckler
  16. ARCHIVED-Zellakrysta Guest

    Githil@Permafrost wrote:
    Probably all those devs I listened to when the game was released. Bards were supposed to do similar damage to all scouts, just w/o poison.

    I'm not saying thats how it should be now, I'm saying thats what the idea was when I first rolled my bard years ago.
  17. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Serpicos@Unrest wrote:
    Bards right now do "Similar" damage to other scouts. That in no way implies equal. If we spec only for DPS and forget about our group utility we can parge 13K or higher. Some people seem to be forgetting we are actually UTILITY. Were not meant to do both HIGH DPS and Utility at the same time. Its a trade off which help class balance. Seriously if you want to parse 22+K then Roll a swashy or Assaasin and stop trying to change a class that is working just fine.
  18. ARCHIVED-Turb0T Guest

    Good grief, dirges are the golden children of T9 and they want *more*?
  19. ARCHIVED-billchivers Guest

    Serpicos@Unrest wrote:
    Get a group. Fight some mobs. Use ACT. Note the groups total DPS. The number listed for you is not your DPS.
    Now, get your group to fight some more mobs (of comparable toughness.) This time turn off all your buffs, and do not attack. Note the groups total DPS.
    Compare the difference in the groups total DPS. That is your contribution. Note that it is much higher than ACT listed for you as an individual.
    Conclusion: Bards are just fine. Sadly you have Parsingtons disease.
  20. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Kimmble@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Great post.
    My gear hasnt progressed as fast as I would have liked so far but I am FAR from decked out. 1 piece of SF T2 a couple of pieces of Mark armor and T8 stuff. A lot of our DPS comes from working well with other. Knowing what your group is throwing out and when. Just did Labs again last night. First 4 nameds I averaged 10K and got as high as 15K and Im far from as uber as some Dirges. If you want easy mode DPS \reroll If you want a fun class that rocks keeps people alive and buring down mobs then stay with your bard.