Is that all there really is (Udder Contempt no trades)?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Arieva, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. Arieva Well-Known Member

    Soo I must admit being bored before the expac launch I did the unthinkable..I farmed all 10 no trades out of SoH Udder Contempt. I had hopes of something really cool considering the rarity of the drops. Every six hours I set a timer and got in there clearing every piece of trash I could find. And today I finally finished and got...a title ><

    Is that really all there is to that? No super cool fiery cow mount hiding in that zone? (which by the way is one of the neatest models you guys have animated in a while..he's 20 feet of fiery bovine awesomeness) /sulks off with her title.
    Speed likes this.
  2. Chrol Developer

    Yup, that’s all there is to it cowpoke!
    Xianthia and Elle like this.
  3. semisus Does not play this game

    Perhaps you have to go "POKE" some cows?
  4. Laaw Well-Known Member

    always leave a 25% for cow tipping