Is it possible?

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Jackkal, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jackkal Guest

    To add the /mp3 feature like EQ1 has (had?)
    Many complain about the repetition of the music in guild halls, especially if you do any tradeskilling there.
    Problem solved.

    And for the Love of Trolls...
    I mean it really, where is the love? Trolls are one of the original races in EQ1 and 2 and yet there is nothing in the way of heritage apperance items. The new races have them but not the originals?
    Along with appearance items, armor dye or at least a selection of armor color to choose from upon purchase. Some appearance armor looks good except the color makes them look hideous.

    This last bit will be more problematic but,...
    In quests, it would be nice to have responces that reflect the players character alignment. I came across a few quests that came close, but they were more mercenary - for the money - than evil.
  2. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    Add a pink unicorn and I am all set!
  3. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-NrthnStar5 Guest

    I don't have a music folder in my eq2 directory...
  5. ARCHIVED-Lizabethan Guest

    NrthnStar5 wrote:
    Might be missing if you're streaming.
  6. ARCHIVED-Karimonster Guest

    Sigrdrifa@Lucan DLere wrote:
    To me, this is the greatest thing EQ2 ever did. In fact, I'd been playing with customized music for so long that when I had to reformat my harddrive, I was freaking out that they had possibly made new music with an update >.> It was actually the REAL music for the zones. I'd just played with my own music for so long that I didn't notice!
  7. ARCHIVED-KniteShayd Guest

    Laenai@Oasis wrote: