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Is Drinal coming back?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. slippery Well-Known Member

  2. slippery Well-Known Member

    So the zones not crashing, can we get some of this stuff fixed? Not that it's not fun having tanks with Exhaustion at the top of the elevator with both scripts firing, but it would be nice for this stuff to actually function correctly.
  3. Mohee Active Member

    Sadly I think they've moved on to the new stuff, and the history of EQ2 probably shows us, this fight will remain how it is till the end of days...

  4. Glassjaw Active Member

    This is a huge part of why I quit raiding. Well, that and the lag which is still a problem across the board. Raiding used to be fun and now it's a roll of dice with the anticipation the planets all align and the script works just enough to kill the mob after wasting hours of time.

    I intend to come back to raiding at some point but I am honestly having more fun being able to log in whenever I feel like it and do a pickup group or whatever else sparks my interest. As for now, the majority of raiding in this game leaves a bad taste.
  5. Gninja Developer

    The changes have been made and I have tested them internally. They will get pushed to the beta server with the GU changes and once I feel they have been adequately tested there I will have them pushed to live.
  6. Gninja Developer

    Exhaustion is intended to happen at the top of the lift. It just has a different effect than at the bottom. The effect that happens at the bottom only checks range the first tick it happens and does not check range again until the next time the spell is applied to someone else so I am not sure why you would have problems with it. After the changes the effect will only affect the group of the person who needs to react to it. It will be unblockable since only one spell will be hitting you. The tanks will still have a chance to get it as even with the hardest hitting outcome it is survivable.
  7. Gninja Developer

    Here are the specific update notes:

    Harrow’s End [Raid]
    Drinal should no longer have a chance to cast more than one curse on the raid force at the same time.
    Drinal should no longer drop hate on targets in the first half of his encounter.
    Spiritual Exhaustion should no longer hit the entire raid 4 times. Instead the person in group that has to react will effect only their specific group with the damage. This damage has been made unable to be AE blocked.
    Drinal should no longer occasionally cast spells on dead players.
  8. Mohee Active Member

    Raiders are dropping like flies because of the lag issues which is still very real and a HUGE problem. I fully agree with you. It's sad to see person after person throw their hands up in the air and say "f*** it, i'm done" and they go play something else. It's not easy to find people to replace people anymore... Specially when so many are having the same problems. People will only deal with this lag for so long. People are leaving to play something else that doesn't have these kind of problems. The fact this lag continues to persist month after month... after month... is disheartening. Most people understand your job as a dev isn't easy, but 100% of man-hours should be devoted to fixing this multiple raid zone lag before doing anything, or before you know it, to much time has passed and you no longer have any customers.
    Because of the server lag, most the time our main raid tank leaves the raid early out of pure frustration of getting 2-3 seconds of lag, which grows into 4-7 seconds, and continues to increase to 10-15 seconds... And it purely has something to do with your servers, and not his internet. Again, thanks, after months and months of these issues continuing to happen, we have even more turn-over, utility, healers, main tanks... quitting the game because of this BS.
    Kuulei likes this.
  9. slippery Well-Known Member

    Because the fight breaks and he continues the bottom half script an additional time wh ile going up the elevator. Meaning you get all the bottom half effects again. So you get to the top of the elevator and are fighting the top half scripts while you still have all the bottom half scripts still firing. So at the top of the elevator the main tank who's trying pick up Drinal after he just mem wiped is slaughtering the raid with devastating exhaustion, you know while people are in bubbles and adds are spawning all over the place, and while Drinal goes down through the elevator and back up in the raid to ae (which he does, every single time you get to the top of the elevator).

    I don't know if you're trying to tell me how Exhaustion is going to work, or how it is supposed to work now. It certainly doesn't only check on the first tick now, it checks every tick, which is how it should be since you have no warning that you're going to get it and need to get out. Even more since no one is excluded from getting it. We've verified it multiple times. Get effect, stay in, start getting slaughtered, get out stop getting slaughtered, go in start getting slaughtered.

    Edit: Also, when you say he'll no longer cast on dead players, I don't think that was really the problem. The problem was effects visually being removed from players when they die but the effect still triggering when they can't do anything about it and you can't even see who has it (for Exhaustion and Spritual Mindmeld).
  10. Mohee Active Member

    Everyone in our raid (and i mean EVERYONE) got such terrible server lag halfway through the fight with the construct we had to call it and go somewhere else.

  11. StaticLex Active Member

    If the changes aren't crashing the zone then send them to live right now, that's the only way they're going to get properly tested anyway.
  12. Frezzy Member

    This is 100% correct, at least on 4 soulwell. I remember reading Gninja posting that it should only do one check five seconds after the dot applies, so my guild had everyone joust when exhaustion was about to land. The elementals landed, and we were hit by the lesser version. The people without elementals went back in immediately. The people with elementals waited 10 seconds (we were being extra careful) before moving back in. As soon as they did, we got wiped out by devastating.
  13. Drumstixx Active Member

    And yet another patch of Drinal, and second new raid zone since Harrow's End is incoming.

    Can we PLEASE. FIX. content ?
  14. Estred Well-Known Member

    Update though a minor one. I was hit with Transfiguration while I still had 5 seconds remaining on Souldrain, this caused a wipe due to a tick of Devastating Drain when I was forced to acquire Drinal. It's uncommon now but still happened. Beyond that he is more fun than he was before.

    Edit: Also dead-tanks are getting the Transfiguration buff still. This usually leads to a wipe as not many can be rezzed and snap hate before the check hits.