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Is Drinal coming back?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    I actually believe 2 Power over Deaths is normal for the fight, it requires being healed through and strategically cured from key raiders such as tanks and MT healers.
  2. Silzin Active Member

    If it was intended, then why dies it not happen all of the time, only some times?
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    Not sure, until the crashing is fixed fully though, not much can be said/done to the rest of the script.
  4. slippery Well-Known Member

    It's not intended
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    Alright thanks then, I just know it was "passable but annoying"
  6. scousetroub Active Member

    Still doing alot of the stuff it should not be doing. We had the 4 soulwell scripts going off again on lift and up top last night.

    No crash but never wiped on 1st phase
  7. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    We had two crashes on wipes last night. And yeah, noticed nox happening on elevator at least one pull.
  8. Gninja Developer

    We'll take a look at the crash logs and see if we can figure out where its hitting a snag this time. Thanks for letting us know.
  9. Geothe Active Member

    Still randomly get double curses in this fight.
    VERY annoying.
  10. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    We are getting curses/detrimentals on dead players. When you are dead, your corpse should not be able to blow up the raid.
  11. Selpi New Member

  12. Rhita Active Member

    I'm tired of the mem wipe happening half a second before the tank check goes through when it asks a tank to pick it up.
  13. Primaeval Active Member

    I know we are only allowed to implement one fix per month on this named, but since its now March, could we perhaps not have Drinal wipe 1 second before the trigger on the forced tank pickup? Of all the broken aspects of this fight, that one to me is the most frustrating and should be the easiest for a competent coder to fix given that exclusions have been oft used.
    Kraeref likes this.
  14. Gninja Developer

    I will be addressing the aggro drop/Transfiguration and the double curse issue as soon as the code folks figure out the crash issue. I do not want to change anything until they are able to get that one nailed down for good. I have those fixes made but I am waiting to check it in after the crash is stopped.
  15. slippery Well-Known Member

    Script not stopping when going up elevator?

    Transfiguration and Exhaustion hitting tanks at the same time?

    Effects still firing from dead people?
  16. Estred Well-Known Member

    I think this thread needs a short break. Gninja has said he has fixes in the works but he can't test them until the Crash error is nailed down. Any further working while it is still crashing would be rather counter productive as once fixed the crash-fix could cause unforeseen problems further down the pipeline.

    Yes we have well documented errors still happening, but till that crash is gone. Nothing much is going to change it seems, so waiting on that crash fix my self. I do feel a bit for the guilds who are already past Almalgamon/Bastion and pretty much have had nothing to do but Drinal X4.
  17. Primaeval Active Member

    The problem is that no one has any confidence that the crash fix is right around the corner. To me, fixing some of the silly bugs that cause wipes indirectly alleviates the issues with the zone crash. I see some of the bug fixes as low-hanging fruit. Fix the easy stuff while you work on the zone crashes.... instead, Gninja thinks its sound judgment to keep the ridiculous features of the fights that cause wipes.... that lead to more crashes. Asinine.
  18. Estred Well-Known Member

    I can understand that too. I can actually see where this is frustrating to both Developer and Player. On one hand, proceeding in haste to fix fight-mechancis while there are server-mechanics having problems could in fact muck it up FAR worse than it already is.

    On the other hand, players perceive that nothing is being done because they cannot see what is going on internally within SOE. The apparent lack of change is infuriating and aggravating. So I sit and wait till the next update, defenitly is a good thing to know though what are the "biggest" problems in the eyes of the player.

    Also, Primaeval, your font size appears to be 1 smaller than normal and it is a bit hard to read your posts without having to focus and I don't have bad eyesight.
  19. slippery Well-Known Member

    4 Months. You might have had a point 3.5 months ago.
    Taysa likes this.
  20. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    It isn´t drinal exact, but, last night we try to kill the construct, when zone crashed. We got a small roleback, few adds did respawn.... nothing that unusually thus far, but then wenn we engaged fitzpitzle, one forget to move out on the first room and bang. Raid got whiped, or almost, but fiz got 3 buffs.... so we decided to do it again... nothing unusualy at this point.
    But guess what? The 3 Buffs he get, when to many die, didn´t get off of him.... so that was dead end by now. I already did peti it.