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Is Drinal coming back?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. slippery Well-Known Member

    The MOTD has been changed since Tuesday, but there is still no Drinal in instances?
  2. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    He's in Russia.
  3. Karagon Active Member

    Yeah, but without loot lol
  4. Vinyard Active Member

    Once you decorate a house and it is in the Hall of Fame, he will spawn for that member of your guild.


    It must happen during a marketplace sale, or when new items are added.
    Arielle Nightshade and Kraeref like this.
  5. Gninja Developer

    Yes, we are looking to get him back into game this coming week. We are doing some deeper focus testing to get the kinks worked out without causing something else to break in the process.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    Best of luck with that Gninja, great work with the Teku chest. My guild just cleared him twice and I can say I thoroughly love the little scene... it will probably get tiresome soon but the fight is very fun. A great cooldown from the Commanders (who are harder imo).

    If I may ask 1 other thing though and some may get mad at me for saying it. The Fear Feaster and Enranged Imp from Altar of Abhorrence seem to be off still if you get time after Drinal.

    The Fear Feaster: Adds that spawn if you don't kill the cocoons, up till now every boss that happens on has been a fail condition yet I know guilds are just burning the adds down and ignoring the script. Any chance they could be given some effect that is detrimental enough to warrent preventing their spawn but you can live with 1 or 2 up?

    The Enraged Imp: He used to check for DPS and it was a bit buggy but could he not be made to wipe off all detriments when he begins his check to prevent him accidentally triggering off DoTs casted prior to the check? The mob is a flat turn-n-burn for most guilds now.

    I would have more feedback but this thread is about Drinal who with the exception for 2 wells (Patronage and Exhaustion) seemed to be working well and is quite fun though I feel Temporal was a weak well in all it did was a frontal AE. I would actually suggest Temporal add a small circular AE centered on a player like Ilissad's Barrier (cept not as big). May add more challenge to that well and were the ranges on Blue/Yellow wells worked out that you could avoid Temporal too... it would make the fight even more engaging.
  7. Arieste Well-Known Member

    You are talking about the first, easiest raid mob in the easiest ever expac. While we can all agree that content in CoE shoulda been a bit more challenging, having done this mob with a pug raid, i can tell you that the additional spawns create enough challenge for "low tier" guilds as it is. Yes, it's super super easy for anyone that can manage figure out how to use the assist button. But remember - first, easiest mob in easiest ever expac. I think it's fine as is.
  8. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    The Fear Feaster is allright, as arieste said, easy for hight challenge for lower tier forces.
    The Imp should been back to the normal script, which wasn´t a challenge, but, you have to do at least something, beside of bashing ^^
    Hope Drinal will soon get home, so we can push em out ;)
  9. Estred Well-Known Member

    Eh you are all probably right. I guess I am more of a fan of the 1: not so hard, 2 starts to get hard, 3 dear god its hard, 4 fail type add conditions. Thanks for the feedback. I also may be a bit skewed after all because of my guild and I will admit that.

    Edit: I do also hope for Drinal's Return.
  10. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    The names in Altar raid are ridiculously easy (solo heal mt grp on temp every night we run it for extra dps) on em...wouldnt mind a slight tweak but Altar is a good all purpose zone for low end guilds to get them started raiding this xpacs zones.
  11. Estred Well-Known Member

    Yep, Though I forget was it Sinarach or Phinarach who was the turn-n-burn? I know one had a joust+curse (fun fight for lower guilds) and the other just had a weak power drain but nothing else. Him and the Enraged Imp I would say need a fix/bump in power. Granted it is a bit late in the expansion to talk of making things more difficult but I want to see even my alt's who don't have HM-Gear be challenged by some content. Maybe that is the key... a coordinated raidforce = "simple" mode.

    Is EM perhaps designed around that fact that oh... 50% roughly of guilds do not have the coordination to even avoid a Red-Text?
  12. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Possibly but it depends like anyhting in game some scripts red text included can be ignored or powered through best cast example might be Warboar when he rampages (the script was designed for the tank to joust rampage or face feral bite) now tank just stays in if he's got 2 decently played healers to heal through it but Warboar was designed for 90 level players and script hasnt really changed even though the level of the mobs did in POW.
  13. Estred Well-Known Member

    True but PoW is quite old in some cases like Warboar and was as you said designed for lvl 90's not 95's. Altar of Abhorrence is current though. I suppose it depends on who's opinion you look at. I think some of the fights in EM-CoE are too easy even for EM guilds. I do wish a supposed "casual" raider could chime in about their experiences with EM-CoE. I don't want the fights made super hard or require a ton of coordination for EM however I feel that EM should teach the basics of HM per fight.

    A DoT needs a fast cure maybe. Another example would be 2 curses, one you have to cure the other you have to joust from the raid. Tbh I feel DoV EM-Raiding did one of the best jobs integrating parts of HM Scripts onto many mobs, SF did it well too. TSO was just overall hard even in "EM" for guilds.
  14. Anastaise Active Member

    any update on when Drinal is coming back??
  15. Gninja Developer

    Seems Drinal is just causing all sorts of trouble... last night during our testing the power for the whole block went out. That's a serious bug!

    In all seriousness we are trying to finish up some testing with him tonight and get him back up on live servers later this week or beginning of next week at the latest.
    Feldon and Kalderon like this.
  16. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Nice to hear that Gninja, Thanks for response!
  17. Gargamol Member

    How about you have him drop an extra piece of loot for a few weeks to make up for all the blown runs we've made on the zone while he was out/bugged?
  18. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Which soulwell did the devs pull or was that a special all 4 deal to get the power outage?
  19. Silzin Active Member

    Looks like in tomorrow's update 1/25/2012 Drinal may be coming back with some fixes. well they are fixing Drinal but not putting him back in game?
  20. Gninja Developer

    Drinal will return to his castle sometime this morning.