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Individual Loot for Heroics Dungeons Feedback

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Kander, Mar 17, 2023.

  1. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    I just ran all H3's for the WEEKLY.. not ONE. not ONE equipment piece drop. Complete waste of an hour an a half. But I guess I can run the zones again..but this time I KNOW i wont get any loot because Im locked out getting loot. So I guess the loot lockout works both ways you just dont know if you are gonna get anything on the first go around.

    Guess I should have paid $20.00 on top of my subscription to this game to actually get a chance at getting an upgrade and making my time worth it.

    If the Dev team doesnt see the issue with anything I've said above... We need to have a sit down at the kitchen table and talk about your transgressions. :)
    Dude, Siren and Voaskess like this.
  2. Yavie Active Member

    As a casual player that occasionally does heroics, I find the idea of buying a key for H3 loot disturbing. This game was NEVER about pay to win when it came out. It's bad enough as it is currently, but to go this route is just too much.

    Dear Devs, if we wanted to pay to win, we would be playing other games where that is the only way to "win." This, however, is EVERQUEST2, where you QUEST for your loot, whether that is running heroic instances or just doing sig lines. Where tradeskillers can ONCE again make gear that is actually useful to the casual players. Where the joy of the game is in the playing, the journey, the QUESTING!! Please, please, please, do not turn this game into pay to win.
    Aggy, Nunja, Siren and 2 others like this.
  3. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    You hit the nail at the point , i used to play here like 6 hours a day or more i have all classes running except BL and since PoP expa i was able to play nearly every of my toons ta least up to H2 content and like 3 or 4 Ready for Raid nearly everyone of them got the stuff to be relevant for grouping all of them (26) nearly fully Grandmastered and got the Fervor buff from VoV and other recomded stuff. ROR is the most horrid expansion i ever played since i started EQ2 in 2011 as the most of the SOE thoughts were running and have made the gamne worth to spend time here. Since DB made this game a CASH Cow and dont refund any cash back to this Game itemisation bcame not logical in anyway not to say itemistation and loot systhems became totaly senceless and clueless in anyway.

    If they continue this way for next EXPA we now shall plan the funeral of our loved game EQ2 player base is already low now you can easyly see if go LFG and try a groupe for evan H1 or H2 weeklys, most times you take longer to seek than stuff takes to be done > and the things DB planing to do will kill the Game and this is not a prediction this is a FACT!!!.:eek::eek::confused:

    Sorry DB when you start listen to us if not now you can cut of your ears becuase is go on this way you wont have anyone to listen anymore. WAKE UP !!!!:mad::mad::mad:

    May all who use a Payed Account atm shall cancel memberchip at same time for a period to make them recognize they are on the wrong way maybe this will raise the Banner in fromt of thier eays TURN Around TURN Around like on Need For speed if driveing as a ghost driver on a highway.
    Denebi likes this.
  4. Altho Well-Known Member

    I am a long time player who will be done after this expansion, you have the audacity to implement such things into this game is an insult to your playerbase. You ask far to much and give back far to little even before this system went in. If subs cannot cover the costs of this game anymore, then let it die with dignity. This is about as constructive as I can be.
    Chimeron likes this.
  5. Barmy Member

    Just vote with your wallet and cancel your membership .If enough players do it then surely it will send a message that crap like this will not be tolerated anymore. People do have a choice and if you sit around and do nothing and just accept it then nothing will change and this system will be implemented in every part of the game for the foreseeable future.
    People say i'd quit but I have bought a years sub. That doesnt matter as you can still play the game ,but hitting that cancel button will hopefully make it clear to the powers that be that these stupid money grabbing ideas are not welcome here .
    It seems in many areas of society these days that the average person is just expected to bend over and take it . We dont , we pay your wages , we pay your bills and in exchange you provide a service . If that service is no longer enjoyable or worth the price of admission then its our choice where our money gets spent in the future.
    Smashey, Denebi, Aggy and 4 others like this.
  6. Denebi Member

    being gives Kander’s no reaction to all these post that’s what I just did
  7. Smashey Well-Known Member

  8. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    The intention to remove individual loot is positive. The removal of the PtW keys and crates is positive.

    The itemization and progression schedule in the expac is still so bad that I would describe the expac sold 5 months ago with phrases like "unfinished" and even "bait and switch".

    So it is not all roses here... but don't crap on the devs after they made a very positive course reversal. This is a big step they made and it cant have been easy to convince the stuffed suits to do this. This change hasnt been backed out until the personal loot in H3's is gone, but that isnt a quick code change, it will likely have to wait until more than one Tuesday has gone by.

    So definitely reserve judgement until then. But if we whine just as hard when they do something right as all the times when they do something wrong, then we're training them that it doesnt matter when they do something right. Consider that in your responses.
    Twyla, Smashey, Denebi and 4 others like this.
  9. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    Well Individual loot crates as they currently are in H3 - are worthless in general.

    Glad all the guilds they were able to run H3s before that change were able to give gear to others in guild. (Top 15 raid guilds for the most part). The rest of us casual raiders etc - oh too bad for them.
  10. Blambil Active Member

    Long time subscriber, (eq1 beta), infrequent poster....

    in my humble option, since all "good" loot is already prestige tagged, which requires a sub, stop trying to harvest additional revenue on a per drop basis. All servers should be "free trade", which encourages socialization, the one thing a dying game needs MORE of, not less. From the perspective of a casual player, gear is already too hard to get, this only makes it worse.
    Spiritus Praeteriti likes this.
  11. Jrox Well-Known Member

    I posted very early on in this thread. I have had a lot more time to spend in game with the current system and run these zones. I don't mind individual loot if it offers options.

    Individual Loot
    1. Have the choice of pieces that I can select something that works with my class.
    2. If 1=False: Allow it to be tradable to anyone in the zone for up to 48hrs so someone has an opportunity to use it.

    Overall my thoughts on this whole thing is that it kind of stinks. Just put 3-4 pieces of loot in each box on the final boss and 2 on the interior named mobs. Put the zone timers on a quicker refresh.

    If not allow your 7 day re-setter also reset loot rights in these zones. It can't be too terribly difficult to make it happen if you can create a whole new loot system.

    But I am still not sure what was wrong with the old loot system we had in BoL and RoS and why these drastic changes. Can anyone elaborate on why that loot system and zone reset system was bad? I mean if the game was like that then it would be more Alt friendly and you could just alt to help others rather than needing your main toon. Also adds more variation to the game and makes it more inclusive.

    P.S. GET RID OF THE TEMPS IN LOOT BOXES! My bags are already busting at the seems with useless crap from the overseers!
    Aggy and Twyla like this.