Ignorant Bliss Poison in PVP.

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Orthureon, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Orthureon Guest

    Hello all,
    I was always curious, does Ignorant Bliss simply make the person it procs on lose target , or force clear target and cannot retarget you again for a few seconds? The effects description seems like it would simply make you clear target, but allow you to target immediately afterwards.
    Anyways a concrete answer would be appreciated.
  2. ARCHIVED-Blergh Guest

    Just makes you lose target, you can retarget them instantly pretty much. It used to be a serious hassle on assassins that specced for it but from what i've seen from the description it looks like its been nerfed into oblivion in pvp since the update.