I was expecting more from the Qeynos revamp

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-ZachSpastic, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-ZachSpastic Guest

    Less zoning is nice, but compared to the dramatic change in appearance that Freeport's revamp brought, the changes to Qeynos are barely noticible. I was expecting new textures and colors on the buildings, but everything except the city walls is basically untouched. Not even the tired, old, run-down looking wooden doors got fixed. Qeynos was not in as much need of a makeover as was Freeport, but even after the revamp Qeynos is still in need of a makeover.
    And the new citadel looks like crap out of some japanese kiddie cartoon.
  2. ARCHIVED-Cica Guest

    I agree Freeport looks better now than Qeynos ... sigh :(
  3. ARCHIVED-Lasai Guest

    Be thankful. You also didnt get the most popular town Inn removed in favor of some insignifigant NPC faction group having a monk playground. You didnt get relocated to an inn that is absolutely the farthest away from any bank, broker or crafting.
    You didnt get your harbor area NPCs all crammed into a dreadful looking circus tent.
    You didn't have nearly every shop removed and replaced by bare bones awnings on the street.
    You didnt get every service NPC in N qeynos rammed into the TS building.
    You didnt lose most of your public crafting stations.
    You still have doors.
    You didnt get your Scout Faction ripped out of thier HQ and shoved into the sole remaining, overcrowded Tavern.
    Sometimes less IS more. Freeport is shiny but it's a facade.. not a city.
  4. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    Lasai wrote:
    New textures wise, Qeynos got shafted. We got fancy new walls. The ground textures and grass textures and building textures look outdated compared to the walls and its an eye sore :(
  5. ARCHIVED-Lasai Guest

    Eyesore is totally in the eyes of the beholder. Freeport screams 70s flocked and mirrored wallpaper and harvest gold toilets.
    Its Jersey Shore meets MMO.
  6. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    Lasai wrote:
    Very true on that too. I went through it and was shocked at the repeat on the walls.
  7. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    As mentioned before, taste in decorations is personal. What some people want to see in a game, others see as in poor taste and immersion breaking.
    There are parts of the freeport update I love and parts I despise.
  8. ARCHIVED-gatrm Guest

    Josgar@The Bazaar wrote:
    Heh. And I thought the new wall was an eyesore.
    Everyone will never agree....I am thankful they did not go overboard like they did in Freeport; though some minor changes in the art, would have been fine, as long as all that was changed was the quality of the detail rather than the appearance, if that makes sense.
    I despise most of the changes in Freeport, it no longer has the feel that it should have, it's too pretty, to well-maintained; though I do like that they removed the zone lines and such. I find it much easier to get around.
    Qeynos has the same comfortable feel it has always had, so it's good for the most part.
  9. ARCHIVED-MalletMan Guest

    I wonder if they could have changed the mage tower while they were at it?
  10. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Freeport was trashed by a falling Citidal. Lucan needed to show his might by redesigning the whole City.
    Qeynos just had to upgrade what already exixted and frankly it was not needing as much in the first place.
  11. ARCHIVED-quiarrah Guest

    I like it save for the error that kicks me out all the time. . . .(see SUPPORT forums for details)
    At least I did not have to re-learn my way around Qeynos . .nothing changed except for a slight facelift.
  12. ARCHIVED-Ibuki Guest

    Are there no cool weapons at the end? Like the Immortal ones that merchant has when you finish the Freeport questline.
  13. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    Lasai wrote:
    You're being a lot nicer about it than I would, had I been the one to respond first.
    I have moved all my Freeportians to Gorowyn, and all my 'Q-to-F' betrayers have kept their New Halas homes (you can still unload trash loot at the fuel merchant, after all). Gorowyn and New Halas will soon become my exclusive housing zones (freebie housing notwithstanding), and unless I need to go to that location for a quest, Qeynos and (especially) Freeport will be places I steer clear of - everything else I need to do can be done somewhere else. My guild's hall is in Qeynos, and the main city is still acceptable - but Freeport nauseates me. I can use Call to Guild Hall and never have to look at the city interiors again. Thank Creation.
    Especially now that both the Freeport districts and the Qeynos villages have been yanked out from under us. No more Baubbleshire or Longshadow Alley? Heck with it - I'm done with those places.
  14. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Lasai wrote:
    no we got a bank removed from south qeynos which was a stone's throw from the lion mane inn and a decent distance away from the prestige portal, now the nearest bank is all the way over the other end of the zone in north qeynos.
    As for the doors thing i'm pretty sure before the freeport revamp they didn't tell us they were going to do it, so qeynos got out of it by player feedback due to freeport being first.
  15. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    General_Info wrote:
    There is still a SQ banker, 'Jason Walton' - he's standing next to the broker gal ('Maile' ) in the shop down at the base of the hill from the Fountain of Storms ('Maile's Exchange' ).
  16. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    WeatherMan wrote:
    I stand corrected. i'm used to glancing at the map for bankers. wish we could prioritize which icons on the map should overlap others on the same spot.
    As for freeport they really should re-add a banker close to player housing.
  17. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Ibuki wrote:
    Unless your a Monk/Brusier/Beastlord yest there are cool looking weapons.
    If your a Monk, Brusier or Beastlord all you get is the 5 point punch dagger that any T1 crafter can make slightly reskinned... If they are going to redo a claw set at least reskin the JoJo claws. or the SC ones.
  18. ARCHIVED-Halo of G4 Guest

    I would have bulldozed down Elddar Grove and ask some landscape professionals how to make it unique. Really generic zone along with the Harbor. Take a look at Vanguard: Saga of Hereos scenic places for some inspiration EQ2 devs if you ever plan to finish Qeynos. Also we need less buildings that have no accessible doors on insides to them. That large round building at the center of the harbor, make it so people can enter. Place the PVP gnomes along with the chronomancers in there rather then having to sit outside in some random spot.
