I have hope that they will fix you

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-ilikeladies, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-ilikeladies Guest

    Seeing the above thread is on its 15 or 16th page of post, he he i think the GM's might get a clue. Yeah zerks needed adjustment-they did not need total class DESTRUCTION.

    I dont play a zerk so i dont know exactly whats happened but from talking to zerkers in game ...well you peeps are not happy campers.

    Maybe the devs will figure out someday that they can adjust things without making them utterly useless.

    Keep the faith we guardians got your back, we're in the same boat. The pallys and sk's are in the same boat with us. Who knows what the monkers are thinkin non the less thier a good class.

    I will post to try and further nudge the Devs to actually think before they do stupid things like this, if they think it through... well you zerks wouldnt be havin this problem.