Human Females. This was originally going to be a rant, but

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Yeloc, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cinyth Guest

    Eveningsong wrote:
    yeah but he's actually a shrunken version of an adult . . . not really a child. You CAN get that same effect with shrinky items.
  2. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    I dont think players should be able to play children, but their should be at least a few racial children models to reside within the main cities.
    Also there s a new EMOTE on test.

    It appears we are getting the sit animation afterall.
  3. ARCHIVED-awnya2 Guest

    There is the little girl Aimee from the Fae Nursery who lost her dolly.... they do have children in game as NPCs
  4. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    That's it? That's .... very low. When I was working on VBS1 (the military version of Armed Assault), we had character models that were in excess of 10k polys. Hundreds of them can be on one map, not including higher-poly vehicles, buildings, plants, insects, animals, etc. It seems like EQ2 should be able to handle higher polygon counts than 3k poly character models.
  5. ARCHIVED-DuneWarrior Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    i dont know, i got a few toons that betrayed to neriak who got to kidnap kids etc... hell i even have the 'item' on some of them.. being at work i cant link it of course but its something like 'a kidnapped child'
  6. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    Gungo wrote:
    I did a test a little while ago with the sit animation, so give it a try and let me know how it works.
  7. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    Woot! That's awesome, thank you :).
  8. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    It didn't, /sitchair had no animation at all for me. Still that pales to Fetal-Pose Mend.
  9. ARCHIVED-Tanrie Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    Probably cause you haven't paid the SC cost for the ability to sit
  10. ARCHIVED-Araxes Guest

    All of the children are merely shrunken adults.
    There have never been real child models in this game.
    The same way that /rofl was removed from it's original inception -- you can find a video fo it somewhere, I am sure -- because the ESRB deemed it inappropriate on females, as it exposed their undies when in a dress.
    Completely ridiculous, to be sure, but that's the world we live in! Politically (in)correct to the max!

  11. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    Yeah I thought they were just shrunken models. I haven't seen a child model in any of the art tools.
  12. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    it might only work on barbarian males. I didn't know this was going to test already, so it may not be working yet.
  13. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    Most of them are, EXCEPT the Isle of Mara Kids. (which looks really Odd in Neriak)
  14. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Araxes@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Have you really analyzed the facial and body structures of the kids running around Mara? They're much too short, too round, to be classified as adults even by Halfling standards.
    Quellious disagrees with you that they're all just shrunken adults too.
  15. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    Are you sure thats not a halfling?
  16. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    covic wrote:
    That sounds great! Please do this. I can only speak for myself, but I don't mind having to redo the character some even though I spent time getting her "just right", it's only a quick trip to the nearest barber. Also, any chance of getting the slider adjusted also, so we can make the human model a little shorter? Yeah, that is a pet peeve of mine... :p
  17. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    Think the hafling model has bigger hands and feet? Not that I've looked at them a whole lot. And yeah, there are child models running around in Mara (and Neriak) that look like children, as opposed to Nathan Ironforge who's just a shrunk adult model.
  18. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    what expansion was Isle of Mara? I'm trying to see if I can find these kids.
  19. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    It was called "The Fallen Dynasty", I think. It was an adventure pack, like a mini-expansion, the last one they gave out which you had to pay for I believe.
  20. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    I'm just running to mara now. I need to see these models to figure out what they are :)