Hua Mein Daily Tasks - Sumac Clubs

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Faerel, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Faerel Guest

    Was given the task to craft 5 Sumac Clubs for the daily faction quest. I can remember crafting them during the quest lines but I dont seem to have the recipe any more! Do I have to buy it somewhere?
  2. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    Each of the 3 factions has a quest or two that can only be completed by tradeskill classes that match the types of books they sell.
    Sumac club is a level 80 woodworker recipe.
  3. ARCHIVED-Faerel Guest

    Ah I went back to Yun Zi and he explained that some tasks require the correct skills as you say. Sucks that I have to miss some days to get faction :/
  4. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    Deolus@Splitpaw wrote:
    On my main I decided to do all the faction quests for everyone each day. On my other tradeskillers though, I'm just going to do the quests for the factions that give their own class rewards.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    My main is gonig to get all faction, cause she's weird that way, but the rest are gonig to just get their own faction.
  6. ARCHIVED-Zephria Guest

    After you finish the initial TS questline, is there any other way to raise faction with the Hua Mein Craftsmen other than the daily TS tasks?
    I find it extremely annoying that, if the daily quests are the only way, there are days you can't do them because of skill. If there are going to be class specific tasks, there should be a selection so that all crafters can get something done on that day. This faction may not be important to everyone, but I like to use the faction merchants. Now I realize getting this faction high enough to be useful is going to be a real pain.
  7. ARCHIVED-Jonnytom Guest

    I would love to see where we had an option to select a task that we have the skills to accomplish. I have missed out on many of the dailies since I did not have the skill to make clubs, harvest lumber nodes, etc….
  8. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    Zephria wrote:
    If you want to raise Kerra or Hua Mein faction faster, do the adventure series of questing.
  9. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    Deveryn wrote:
    Don't you have to be level 90 to get those quests?
  10. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    No. There are enough quests to get 40k with each of those factions. You just have to follow the progression for Sundered Frontier.
  11. ARCHIVED-EQ2Magroo Guest

    Deveryn wrote:
    The adventure quests will only raise the adventure part of the faction, you will have to do the TS quests to raise the tradeskill faction so that you can buy the tradeskill rewards.
    Best thing is just to start doing the quests, you'll reach 40k in your primary faction in no time at all...well 12 days or do anyway :)
    With regards to the Sumac Clubs quest, I think I'm going to bug this as I would expect it to be the "Thursday" quest considering it is class restricted.
  12. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    Adeyia@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I know how the TS rewards work. The way I understood it, the person was looking for a faster way to get the rest of the items available on the merchant, which use either faction to allow access.
    Given the nature of the daily quest offerings, I'd say it's more like 3 weeks to hit 40k with factions not related to your class.