How do you make money in Norrath today?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Semperfifofum, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. Semperfifofum Well-Known Member

    So I finally figured out that cobalt crates are worth more than Krono. I didn't realize they were tradeable so I never looked up the price. On Skyfire htey're worth twice the value of a Krono, around 10 million. I used to think that consumables made money but not so much. Provvy is still the best, and Scholars for the upgrades.

    Are there other tips I'm missing? New items that I may not be aware of since I missed CD?
    Soara2 and Cyrrena like this.
  2. Raff Well-Known Member

    I harvest and sell rares mostly. From CD & BoL. Last time I checked I was around # 17 on AB for rare harvests...may be higher/lower though now. Haven't checked it in awhile and my harvesting has been spotty since I've managed to infuse every piece of gear I have on. Now I just harvest Hogfish & Wracked wood rares for the most part. Both sell pretty well...especially wracked wood now that everyone and their dog wants a crossbow, lol
    Soara2 and Cyrrena like this.
  3. Leafkiller New Member

    Solo zones can be a great money maker if you either break down gear for adorn components or salvage for infuser materials. Current tier infuser components sell for 7k or so.
    Soara2, Semperfifofum and Cyrrena like this.
  4. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Lantern Hogfish and Radiant Pomes are selling pretty well and at good prices on Maj'Dul.

    NO-TRADE shinies from Solo zones can still be SLR in Auction channel for 50K or so, though not always. I haven't seen anyone auctioning NO-TRADE heroic shinies yet, but they'd commoand a pretty penny too.

    People are also SLR for the mounts that drop in instances.
    Soara2 and Semperfifofum like this.
  5. Semperfifofum Well-Known Member

    Yeah we have two schools of thought on Skyfire... either 100k or free to first tell. Depends who's selling.

    If I were willing to stay up in the middle of the night each night, I could make like a bandit buying for little or nothing.

    In general I was thinking in the 100k or higher range. So that cuts the rares out, except in volume.

    When my focus changed to empyral mana, the whole game changed for me. I noticed that the landscape dropped weapons sell for 100k+ on the broker. I guess so people can level their planar weapon.
    Soara2 and Sigrdrifa like this.