How do i fix keymap reseting?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Kalika, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Since i have two accounts i have to use loadkeymap, i would really love to be able to avoid doing that -- i wan to use the same custom keymap for both accounts.

    The issue seems to be that the default keymap is not changed by loading a keymap.

    Another more annoying issue is that keymap often revert to default when i open the option window.

    This already caused serious issues.
  2. Sogapa Active Member

    If you use both accounts on the same computer, you should be able to use the command /load_uisettings and then select the character ui you would like to load.
  3. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    I followed these instructions (apologies to whoever posted these - I didn't save that info - feel free to chime in and claim credit!) a couple of years ago:

    1. Log on and set your custom keybinds as desired.
    2. Save your keybinds by typing /save_keymaps eq2_keymap_custom.ini
    3. From within the Options menu select Other from the Keyboard Layout drop-down list.
    4. Log off EQ2
    5. Inside the Layout directory make a copy of the EQ2-OtherMode.cfg file and rename it to EQ2-CustomMode.cfg
    6. Edit this new CFG file so that it reads as:
    7. Edit the eq2_recent.ini file [in the main EverQuest II folder] so that the following line is changed
    from: cl_configuration_file EQ2-OtherMode.cfg
    to: cl_configuration_file EQ2-CustomMode.cfg
    8. Log on and from within the Options menu select Custom from the Keyboard Layout drop-down list.
    9. Confirm that the keybinds are working as desired.
    10. Log off and reboot your computer.
    11. Log back on and confirm that the keybinds are still working as desired.
    NOTE: Make sure that once any files are saved that the software used to save them doesn't add a ".txt" extension to the end as this will cause the entire process to fail outright.
    Kalika likes this.
  4. Eradani Well-Known Member

    thank you thank you. assuming this works it'll be far easier to have toons on a different server. no more hours of resetting key bindings :)
    Rosyposy likes this.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    You also can copy the UI settings file from one computer to the next (thank you, Mr. Thumbdrive!) The files are in your main EQ2 folder and look something like this: Servername_Charactername_eq2_uisettings.xml
    Rosyposy likes this.
  6. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Have not tried yet but will, if i crash in raid/groupi i could currently leads to issues, i made a load_keymap mykeymap macro just in case.
    Rosyposy likes this.