Not A Bug Home Depot Stacks

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Tannie, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. Tannie Member

    This has been an issue for me for a long time and finally decided to post it since i see no one else has. Shortly after the Home Depots were released I acquired one and put it in Guild Hall. I them began dumping my toons items into it... All was fine. However I had some items I purchased in stacks of 900 once they were deposited into the depot a strange thing happened. (note this is not the "i cant remove item stacks" bug mentioned in other reports). If i highlighted a stack of 900 and clicked remove the 900 stack disappeared from depot and a stack of 1 appeared in my inventory. I could right click and place this 1 item and nothing remained in my inventory. I could pick it up and then deposit the 1 item into the depot and then it would show in the depot as a stack of 900. Effectively negating the fact that I have 900 of those items.

    I can repeat this every time I try it.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Twyla like this.
  2. Tannie Member

    Also It would appear that this happens with any stack over 800....
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Denmum Developer

    I cannot reproduce this at all.

    Highlighted a stack of 900, clicked "remove one" ... one removed, 899 stayed in the depot
    Highlighted a stack of 900, shift-clicked "remove quantity" and tried removing various numbers of the item, all worked as expected.
    Highlighted a stack of 900,ctrl-clicked to remove 900, and all 900 dropped properly into inventory.

    Replicated the above with both the personal home depot and the guildhall home depot.

    I'm at a loss. Do you use a custom UI that might not be properly updated and is displaying the depot oddly?
  4. Tannie Member

    Im using DarqUI.

    A few more notes...
    Items (not a complete list)
    Waters of Fyr'UnYoke
    Stack of Maj'Dul Rugs
    Simple Desert Nomad Vase
    Simple Desert Cane Bench

    The items were purchased as stacks of 900 when they were available. And directly dropped into the depot. I believe all the items this is happening with are from the same vendor. Note that other items of any stack count that were added later do not have this problem only the initial 900 count items (about 15 different ones) . However, I do notice that some items originally in the 900 stacks have a few less as if someone else was able to remove them yet when i remove 1 of those under 900 i still get 1 in my inventory.

    It is possible it's a DarqUI issue but i just dont know.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Tkia Well-Known Member

    Reset to default UI and test again, then you will know.
    Dude likes this.
  6. sugarmetender New Member

    No way the game lets a player (modder) to change how many items are on stack in the database. Pretty sure those numbers under items cant be changed by a mod. No way darq or anybody else would be dumb enough (smart enough-?) to drop something like that on the ui. I tried this link with vanilla ui and yes its broken.

    When you use the search box the harvest depot gets bugged.
  7. Tannie Member

    Ok Im an idiot... I figured it out... Please dont condemn me, but it is kind of funny...

    1. I sort the depot by quantity.
    2. The top 15 to 20 items are in 900 stacks...
    3. I go to... say the 3rd item in the list and take 1
    4. The stack now has 899 count and of course gets sorted after the last 900 stack in the list effectively removing the 899 from my immediate view...

    It has been working fine the entire time, I apologize for being stupid hehehehe.
    Twyla, Xillean, Taled and 2 others like this.
  8. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    LMFAO - I love things like this. Welcome to the club! HEHEEE