High Keep Guildhall Affinity

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Occam, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Occam Well-Known Member

    I've been working for awhile to get enough High Keep Heartstones to get the guildhall. However, I have no idea how to check my progress. When you get a Shattered Heartstone it goes into your bag, but when you get a Restored Heartstone, all you get is a message saying your guilds affinity has increased. Does anybody know if there's a place to see how much affinity you have?
    Cyrrena likes this.
  2. Tupperbeast Active Member

    You Click U, go to Guild Achievments. Under the Option Guild General is Guild Hall now click on the hall and see how many Progress you have, good luck and fun to farm. For Highkeep T2 you Need 7500 Coins or Heart Stones.
    Cyrrena likes this.
  3. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    Just know, you get the upper floors and not the basement or tunnels. I had already picked out my cave for my office and one for my living quarters... and no go! I did get a nice balcony room for my office, though. And my GL was rewarding enough to get me a fringe benefit for my position too!
    Cyrrena, Breanna and Rosyposy like this.
  4. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    That fringe benefit better not be him creeping over to your quarters when the lights are out!!
  5. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I have an assistant in my office... keeps my desktop clean with his actions!
    Cyrrena likes this.
  6. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I still love Graveshroud's Personal Valet and the gibber he spouts. Everything he says is so perfect for Graveshroud.
    Breanna likes this.