Harrow's End Drinal x4 Exhaustive Soulwell bug?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Rattab, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Rattab New Member

    Our guild started a new instance of Harrow's end last night. We gave the exhaustion Soulwell a shot for our two soul well attempt. Everything was going fine until he actually absorbed the soulwell and became attackable.

    It seems from our testing last night after our first wipe.

    Two Soulwell (patronage + exhaustive) had two exhaustive abilities devastating and greater, greater would hit three times a second every 2 seconds for and average of 8593 power per hit and devastating would hit 1 time every 2 seconds for an average of 13,349. but both abilities would land at the same time.

    Single Soulwell exhaustion was using 2-4 exhaustive abilities lesser greater devastating and just plain exhaustive Souldrain. all landing at the same time. Of all the abilities he was using lesser seems to be hitting multiple times a second oddly making it the more draining of the 4 types but having all 4 abilities hitting at the same time is still disruptive at the least. the number of exaustive abilities used seemed to vary from pull to pull with no real discernible pattern.
  2. Lordebon Active Member

    Not sure about the frequency, but you have to take into account that these abilities are a result of the position of players in the raid relative to Drinal. Which you see (and maybe even how often?) depends on where people are. If you have two people at the same distance you'll produce the same pulsing AE twice. If you're working on 2SW Drinal I would strongly suggest not picking exhaustion.

    One thing I did notice odd when pulling 4SW before was that the Exhaustion abilities have an odd relationship with range for power drain. The damage made perfect sense: Lesser did the least, then normal, then Greater. However power drain on Lesser was the same as on Greater while normal was about 1/5th either of those. Either it's intended that the power drain has a sweet spot distance rather than just getting far away or it's yet another bug in this fight. Given the way that I believe most guilds kill 4SW with exhaustion is to ignore it I doubt the details of it have really been well tested.
  3. Atan Well-Known Member

    Too True.

    When the strat becomes bypass the challenge via immunities and enormous dps, its no longer really beating the script, its winning by bypassing it.
    Estred likes this.
  4. Rattab New Member

    i dunno i was being hit with all 4 at the same time on single soulwell everyone in raid was totally drained in less then 10 seconds the coercer who was able to get manaflow off before he ran out of power watched that power be eaten almost immediately upon the effect gave him power back even my ae blocker didnt seem to work.
  5. Rhita Active Member

    There is a reason you are being hit by different types of souldrain.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    I haven't touched Exhaustion for awhile but I know why as well. Well I have a good idea lol, I am not going to go spouting ideas though unless I know what I am speaking of with Drinal. Best of luck to you though.

    Read the Description, it should give a hint.
  7. slippery Well-Known Member

    You'd think no one had given feedback about this exact thing!