Guildhall for the Guerriers Celestes on Thurgadin {Video Tours}

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Ocarinah, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    These videos were also posted in
    EQ2 Video Tours Request (Houses, Guild Halls, Dungeons)

    Title: Guildhall for the Guerriers Celestes
    Decorator: Edriliane
    Owner: Guerrier Celeste
    Server: Thurgadin
    Address: Restored High Keep Guildhall (T3), Antonica
    Category: N.A.

    Title: Le Bercail des Guerriers
    Decorator: Edriliane
    Owner: Edriliane
    Server: Thurgadin
    Address: Vale of Halfpint Delight, Qeynos
    Category: Medium Homes

    Title:La Célestine, Cathédrale de la Concorde
    Decorator: Edriliane
    Owner: Morderir
    Server: Thurgadin
    Address: Deepwater Retreat, Qeynos
    Category: Massive Homes

  2. Edriliane Active Member

    I am in tears over your attempts at speaking french :D . You have made my day ! Thank you so much for visiting us and for your kind words. I think I might do a transcript of all the actor's dialogues that are in french and put the translation here.

    The guildhall is all about efficiency so my guildies who raid can go about their business without fuss. If you come visit us during an event you should see special decoration for said event.
    Kalyen is the previous decorator of the guildhall, I took over a year and a half-ish ago and kept his actor as well as Armageddoux's (our past guild leader) in the hall because they are part of our guild history and matter to us. I kept his zone portal sorting system with the signs and put it in the big entry room because I thought it was really neat. The rest is my design.
    Morderir, Puppetmonster and Yvan are some of my guildmates and they are either guild leader or officers so they get doppelgangers in the entry. The registry near the tree is for the birthdays, I really need to update it. As for the "doors" to the 2 attached houses they are made with 1 maple table and a few ash chests, I wanted them to look like the magical guildhall door to match the other side that is in the attached houses.

    The Bercail is for the little plant we get with the obulus frontier crafting timeline and for my guildmates' houses, not just mine. This way we can connect our houses together, it should get filled up over the years (I hope :p). I think it took me over a month and a half to complete it, I added a few things along the way and unpublish regularly to modify some things.

    The cathedral is, I hope, something plenty of people will use. I made it so you can visit it quickly before going adventuring if you forgot to pick up a miracle from your altar, since coming in from the leaderboards allows you to come back to the place where you were at when you get out instead of having to trek over the whole place.

    I've been decorating since 2009 but I'm horrible with time. I'm getting better at it I think, so I might do the house swap one day when I'm done with my projects. I have a few things to go through first and a few guildies I intend to help out first though. But one day ! Hopefully. Sorry for the novel ;).
  3. morderir Active Member

    thx a lot for the tour ocarinah !

    and a lot of thanks to edri for all the work :)
  4. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    You are both very welcome! So amazing! :)
  5. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    Oh my, I so love your er.... was that even French? I'm rolling on the floor laughing right now!

    Your hall is amazing Edriliane, I'll have a look when I come over to do Scorched Sky.

    Ocarinah, want some translations of everything the actors said?
  6. Edriliane Active Member

    Guerrier Céleste means “Celestial Warrior”.
    And here is the entirety of what the actors are saying in the guildhall and the "bercail" (which is an old way of saying home). If you want to hear the french pronunciation just copy paste the dialogue in google translate and you'll have the option to hear it.

    1 - In the guildhall

    - Vallum Walberg, gardien de la grande porte (great door’s guard)

    « C'est la dernière fois que je joue les gardes... »
    (It’s the last time I play guards)

    - Elise Thompson, gardienne de la grande porte (great door’s guard)

    « Qu'est-ce qu'on s'ennuie ! Une petite invasion de temps en temps, ça serait trop demandé ? »
    (I’m so bored ! Is a little invasion once in a while too much to ask for ?)

    - Kalyen

    « Manger, dormir, crafter... »
    (Eating, sleeping, crafting…)

    - Jacob Purrsian, gardien des coffres
    (the vault’s guard, is sleeping on the job the naughty boy :D)

    - Monsieur Grippe-Sous, le notaire (the notary)

    « Une pièce d'argent, deux pièces d'argent, trois pièces d'argent... »
    (One silver coin, two silver coins, three silver coins…)

    - Viensicirex Ivrogne de guilde (the guild’s drunk, is the bartender under which I’ve put a few actors that trigger when you get close to the left, the middle and the right of the bar)

    « C'est la tournée du patron ! » (The drinks are on the house !)
    « Bière pression ou bouteille ? » (Tap or bottle ?)
    « La maison ne fait pas crédit. » (No credit given.)

    - Armageddoux

    « Bienvenue chez Guerrier Céleste ! »
    (Welcome to Guerrier Céleste !)

    - Morderir

    « Bienvelu parmis nous ! Ici c'est au poil :) »
    (Welcome among us ! Everything’s hunky-dory here.) Note : current guild leader, has a habit of making puns, this one is one of them. I don’t think I can translate that very well, just know it’s a play on “velu” and “poil” which roughly translate to “furry/hairy” and “hair”.

    - Puppetmonster

    « Bonjour a toi Guerrier, est-tu prêt pour cette aventure? »
    (Hello to you Guerrier, are you ready for this adventure ?)

    - Yvan

    « Bonjour à toi cher Guerrier Céleste ! » (Hello to you dear Guerrier Céleste !)
    « Psst Psst ! T'as pas un shiny ? » (Pst pst ! Got any shiny ?) – said like an addict, he has a problem but don’t we all ;)

    - Roomba (The djinn house pet)

    « Roomba, le djinn de ménage à votre service ! Que puis-je faire pour vous ? »
    (Roomba, the djinn housekeeper ! What can I do for you ?)

    2nd floor :

    - Hunil Delhwen

    « Mmh...mmmhh...Non c'est pas ça.......mmmmhh. »
    (Mmh...mmmhh...No it’s not that.......mmmmhh , === mmh is sort of a pensive sound)

    - Edriliane Delhwen (is on the other side opposite Hunil)

    « Charpenterie vol. 7, vol. 9, vol. 10....Pas de vol. 8 ? Mais où est ce fichu bouquin ! »
    (Carpenter vol. 7, vol. 9, vol. 10....No vol. 8 ? Where is that damn book !)

    - Cassandre Babblebot, dompteuse de disque (disk tamer)

    « Bouge pas toi, je t'ai à l'oeil ! »
    (Don’t you move, I’ve got my eye on you !)

    - Ismael Zanu, le bibliothécaire (the librarian, is trying to catch a book in the air)

    « Reviens ici toi ! Je n'ai pas fini de te lire ! »
    (You come back here ! I’m not finished reading you !)

    3rd floor :

    Group of mercenary, they’re making fun of their iksar friend =

    - Varon Lorend'al, mercenaire,

    « Si l'iksar pouvait arrêter de faire la tête qu'on progresse ! »
    (If the iksar could stop pouting so we can proceed !)

    - Maryl Do'Zyul, mercenaire,

    « On est pas sorti de l'auberge... »
    (We could be here a while…)

    - Lucielle Goldwoods, mercenaire,

    « Hihihihihi ! »

    - La Griffe, mercenaire,

    « Et bah alors Tavitz, on fait le grognon ? »
    (Well well well Tavitz, are we sulking ?)

    - Tavitz Kaldrax, mercenaire, (the iksar)

    « Hmmpf »
    (sulking essentially)

    Near the big heating machine =

    - Brickstone, maître tacticien (master tactician, grumpy dwarf)

    « Le fil jaune sur le bouton vert, le fil bleu sur le bouton rouge, mais surtout jamais le fil vert sur le bouton bleu ! Si j'en vois un faire une bourde pareille je l'étrippe ! »

    (The yellow wire on the green switch, the blue wire on the red switch, but never ever the green wire on the blue switch ! If I see one make that bloody mistake I’ll disembowel them !)

    - Zolvek, le chauffagiste (heating guy)

    « Je me croquerais bien un nain sous la dent... »
    (I could eat that dwarf right about now) rough approximation of the French turn of phrase I’m using here.

    2 – In the Bercail

    - Albert, le marjordome (the butler)

    « Bienvenue au Bercail des Guerriers. Que puis-je faire pour vous ? »
    (Welcome to the Guerriers’ Home. What can I do for you ?)

    - Lucy, la pêcheuse (the fisher)

    « Faites attention, il y a une sirène à l'affut dehors. Si j'étais vous, j'éviterais de sortir en mer. »
    (Be careful, there’s a siren waiting outside. I was you I would avoid going offshore for now.)

    - Bruno, le facteur (the postman)

    « Bonjour l'ami, quoi de beau ? »
    (Hello friend, what’s up ?)
  7. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    It was amazing in person!
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yep! We in the Guerriers Celestes are very proud of our lovely Hall! :D

    Cool vids, Oaky! :)

    with a cast of nearly a dozen in GC... ;)
    Edriliane and Breanna like this.
  9. Edriliane Active Member

    The Bercail and the Célestine have been moved to the "Dev Picks" section so a big thank you to the devs !

    Do the houses stay in there even if you unpublish and re-publish after ? I'm going to have to do some maintenance on those two once in a while and it'd be too bad to lose the "dev picks" status on them.