Guild Hall Preview from Fan Faire up at EQ2TC!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-NiamiDenMother, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kibannu Guest

    Drocca@Venekor wrote:
    I play to spend time with friends and have a good time. I also level alts when not raiding.
    And FYI mythicals are purchaseable ( though my guild refuses to get mythical updates for people outside of our guild ), tons of guilds do updates for plat.
  2. ARCHIVED-AlStealHeart Guest

    Drocca@Venekor wrote:
    Nice fresh new look at things. I like it.
  3. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Drocca@Venekor wrote:
    IOW -- for the most part, with the exception of a quest to unlock guild halls -- you're not really upset about guild halls, so much as you are the REST of the game in general.
    Unfortunately, however, that's a different topic for a different thread. The fact is that right now, your guild can obtain a guild hall & some amenities, & you can keep it updated & maintained -- but, you're not happy with the choices you have for making the money & status necessary to keep it updated.
    You might want to keep all of this in mind when The Shadow Odyssey comes out in November, & see if SOE hasn't tried to do something to alleviate these particular issues you're having. In the meantime, I'll just note (for Maroger's sake) that here's yet another guild -- even smaller than mine, no less -- that can obtain a guild hall.
  4. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    AlStealHeart wrote:
    Well, they are SORT of doing that. World Event so we can all assist with the construction of the level 70 Guild Halls. I say let the level 70 Guilds build their own gosh darn hall unless I get my share of the 1000P they are spending on it.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    We're starting to slip back into the personal attacks on other posters and on devs...

    This will result in more posting vacations if we can't all get ourselves and our emotions under control.

    If you need to get up from your keyboard and take a walk before you hit submit, please do so.

    Otherwise, get civil in a hurry.

    Please and thank you.
  6. ARCHIVED-AlStealHeart Guest

    We were told how the guild halls may work and now its all about something else. Instead of being a common place for all guild mates (anemities or not) now its about something else. SOE has rubbed guild halls in our face for over a year heck since the beginning of the game and now we are being told its just "an option".... well don't try to get people back into the game just because we are getting guild halls, don't use it as a selling point if its just "something extra" that noone HAS to have... yea... great.... I'M trilled!
  7. ARCHIVED-AlStealHeart Guest

    Kurgan@Everfrost wrote:
    Agree... I really don't want to be apart of something thats "extra" and not really a thing for everyone in the game to enjoy. Just doesn't seem right. I dunno maybe my mind is getting clouded on the real point here but I'd have to say over all I'm just flat out depressed over all the flair about guild halls then to hear stuff like ... oh its just extra, you don't need it or have to have it... something else and this and that... Ok.
  8. ARCHIVED-Raidyen Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    Not sure how you got that tone that i dislike this game. I love this game, and so do my friends. I really could care less if they want to charge 800 plat for a guild hall. Doesnt effect me, there isnt a single item mentioned for a guild hall that is going to make my character better, its just a matter of convience.
    It appears that the hardcore raid guilds, with 50+ active members want the 800plat guild halls, because they know on day one they will have it, where the casual guilds are going to have to work 10x as hard. Kind of makes you wonder.
  9. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    Like so many you make false conclusion "because I can do it" therefore everyone else can do it. My way is the right way. Or put it another way because my guild can afford it this is designed perfectly as my guild can get it.
    I don't like being conned, and I don't like plat extortion, and I play to have fun not to grind all day at some boring repetitve task -- I did all of the in EQ1 and I don't expect to do it in EQ2. They say this game is different from EQ1 but they are making it more and more like EQ1 grind fest every day.
    Guild halls were promoted as a "fun" experience for the community. That is not the reality -- it is something totally different so we have a right to be unhappy, disappointed and express our disapproval. Especially when they have the model of the EQ1 guild halls they could have used which would have saved them a lot of "flames".
    And yes they had better not advertise these guild halls as selling point for the game - they are definite NOT THAT.
  10. ARCHIVED-MindParadox Guest

    Drocca@Venekor wrote:
    can you try reading this one again, and tell me how many times you are going to do your epic/mythical quest?

    last i checked, it was once(thats 1 single time), not 6 times a week minimum for the rest of the time you play the game(that would be a grind)

    remember Reading Comprehension is Your Friend!!!
  11. ARCHIVED-AnjelikaR Guest

    I understand that the T3 Guild Halls are something to be worked towards and perhaps weren't meant for the casual guilds like ours. But it will always be something we'll work towards striving.

    The problem is the T2 halls are just too high. I think there was an assumption in pricing that most members are level 80 or at least in their 70's. That's fine for T3 pricing, but they've taken that figure and cut it in half, which is still just too high. If the T2 halls are intended for the casual players in higher level guilds, they need to be priced with their gaming salaries in mind. The T2 hall would bleed us dry keeping up with weekly maintenance and there would be nothing left to put towards saving for T3.

    The T1 5-room is too small for us and honestly not worth 100 pp to anyone. Considering it's just a house like many of us already own, you're already paying a lot for the amenities and for a level 30 guild, this one shouldn't cost more than 10-20 pp.

    I think every guild 30+ is entitled to a guild hall they can afford. Yes we're not all entitled to the T3, I'm getting that now, but the other two options shouldn't be so out of reach.
  12. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Kendricke wrote:
    A while ago they did a launchpad survay for Station Exchange, I wonder, once it hits test if doing a similar thing, including showing the Test prices of the items in the survay would work. That way they can collect the guild information at the same time automatically.
  13. ARCHIVED-A.Tyndiel Guest

    ShashLigai wrote:
    Wholeheartedly agree, RL is hard, and can be quite unfair, thats why I pay $15 a month to play a GAME with friends. For a temporary escape from the harsh real world, not to relive it.
    And again, small guilds aren't asking for hand outs, merely a fair way to make as much plat/status as larger guilds with larger rosters, without having to resort to completely abandoning the fun factor of, well, playing a game for the sheer enjoyment of it. Hypothetically speaking, even if my small 6 man lvl 30 guild managed to toil our way to 70, could we really afford to maintain a T3 hall? We would have to grind writs/HQ's on new alts, and farm rares, masters etc, virtually non stop, during the remainder of our playing time. Why...would I want to pay the monthly subcription fee, to emulate what I go thru in "Actual Real Life"? Last check, this wasn't a life sim. Not many Orcs running around my neighborhood lately.
    Folks, this is JUST a game, and by definition, games should be FUN, not a chore, or a 2nd job.
  14. ARCHIVED-BK613 Guest

    I'll will credit my wife for providing the perfect RL analogy when she heard about the cost/upkeep of guild halls and their amenities:

    "Wow that sounds like the cable company!"

    So SOE please, nothing in-game that looks like we are opening and reading a bill from these guys:



    I also agree with others that all versions of the halls be on the island a.k.a neutral ground.
  15. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    I've just made a new post under the Developer Roundtable outlining some changes we are going to make to guild halls based on this feedback.

    As far as upkeep costs are concerned, we generally look at how many Rush Order writs a person would have to complete at level 60. These writs give about 10k status each and can be done in about 3 minutes. So when you look at the upkeep cost of the T1 guild hall now being about 50k status, this is just 5 writs a week. If you're guild has only 5 members this can be done with minimal effort. As you're able to do the higher level writs it gets even easier. For guilds that run heroic instances or do raids, you will have plenty other methods for accruing status but our biggest concern is making sure that raiding and high-level dungeons are not required to maintain a guild hall.
  16. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    And that, is that folks.

    Any further feedback can go in the new thread. This one is closed so that Rothgar's information doesn't drown under the sea of angry postings.