Guardians In DoV

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Undorett Guest

    The problem with Iron Will is that they know there is a bug, its been bugged, and messages have been sent to Xelgad. After these things are done he goes in and touches the spell to add resists to it for this expansion, and he doesn't fix it while adjusting the skill. It's just plain laziness.
    As for UW, it has its own set of problems. Warrior DI recasts are entirely too long, even with the massive amount of reuse we have. I have it capped and assuming it fires when I click it, it is back up in 7.5 minutes (capped reuse from 15 minute base). So, not only is our DI not until canceled and kills us unless we are over lv80 with AA points spent into it, it has a longer reuse than the crusaders. The spell is out-dated.
    I guess I would prefer accuracy because I believe they will end up backing off on block as the complaints start piling in.
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Undorett wrote:
    If block was fixed, I agree with that as well.
    My take is, block is staying. Too many complaints about tank toping heroic parses, too many complaints on fighter dps in general. Increasing block chance of the mob was a fairly convenient way to shift the paradigm. I'm sure they did it on purpose, and I'm reasonably sure they did if for this or similar reasons.
    I believe their readiness to up hate gain cap and their steadfast ignoring of anything regarding hit rates from beta is a clear indication of their 'vision' going forward.
  3. ARCHIVED-Raahl Guest

    Coming from a non-raid guardian standpoint.
    I was geared with mostly level 80 T1 shard gear. Yea I know that sucks. :D Starting in the new zone was tough at the start as some mobs (especially the armored urchins) were kicking my butt! I ended up kiting them with my bow. LOL I believe these mobs have some sort of melee reflect because everytime I hit them I'd get hit back.
    Anyway after getting equipped with the quest armor, my guardian is doing better. I still have to watch what I fight as there's some mobs that have a 50/50 chance of killing me.
    Unfortunately I'm lagging behind on AA's so I cannot comment on the effectiveness of the new AA's.
    My guild's raid guardian is having to get use to the new tanking mechanics and has had some issues with survivability and aggro generation while being MT for groups.
  4. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Raahl wrote:
    Aggro is an issue. Everyone else's dps went up quite a bit more than our ability to produce threat.

    The result is, its significantly harder to hold aggro in DoV than it was prior to expansion. I've adjusted spec to take advantange of uncapped hate mod, but that alone isn't enough. If I could cast our siphon raid wide, I think I could spec to it and maybe make it work, but as is, bleh.
    I'm staying alive, but keeping agro off certain classes is difficult and honestly requires them to hold back. Something I don't see working long term once other tanks are geared and can also stay alive without others holding back. Honestly, it makes me want to play my paladin instead.
  5. ARCHIVED-Raahl Guest

    Yea didn't the hit rates take a hit when fighting the mob from the front? That cannot help the Tanks DPS.
    As far as survivability the tank in question thinks he may have been bugged somehow. I'll have to touch base with him and see how things are going. I'll also mention to them about maxing the hate side of things if he hasn't.
  6. ARCHIVED-Wasuna Guest

    I really haven't had any issues with instance group agro at all. I always have an Assassin but I have been in multiple groups that was all my transfer. I have ~20% self hate mod and I have shoulder the burden.
    Hit rates from the front are noticably lower than the back but it's not unreasonable. The problem somebody with lower end gear is going to have is that hit rates are down and almost all the mobs critical attack. In essance, you hit less and they hit harder.
  7. ARCHIVED-Soul_Dreamer Guest

    Wasuna wrote:
    Same, I was destroying content in Kael contested with..

    Guardian/Warden/Inquis/Wizard/Illy/Troub, I'd often have trouble with groups like this in SF and before.

    And holding agro like a champ, I've always specced for Shoulder the burden though, the only classes I tend to loose agro to in raids is our brigand (who is now usually my hate transfer so he doesn't pull hate) and other tanks.

    My AA.

    I think I have
    1st Line - 10 HP
    2nd Line - 10 Reuse
    3rd Line - 10 - 0 - 8 - 10
    4th Line - Perfect Counter.
  8. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Soul_Dreamer wrote:
    Group content isn't an issue. Anyone with a reasonable spec is going to handle heroic stuff fine with all the changes we've had.
    Shoulder the burden doesn't pay off for me. Maybe its cause of the difference in our swash vs brig parses and the amounts of the transfers, but almost always I'm getting more with the swash feeding me than syphoning form either brig or ranger.
    The real agro problems are comming from other tanks (who lack hate shedding), summoner pets, followed by sorcs. TBH, summoner pets have a host issues that need attention, not just the lack of agro shedding.
  9. ARCHIVED-Emlar_from_Halas Guest

    After one week of intensive play, both heroic and Kraytoc raid, I'm very pleased with the way things are going on.
    I just hit 150 crit mitig, 200% crit chance and 100% crit bonus and I'm very confortable with both heroic and raid content.
    Yes, I changed my AA to get the 15% hate transfer for heroic content.
    Yes, dps from my caster colleagues raised a lot, but it's very manageable even with lots of linked mobs and a warlock.
    Plant is quite helpful, as well as Partisan Clease for heroic content.
    I can't compare with other tanks, but situation is much better than it was at beginning of SoF.
    My only issue comes from our OTs in raid, when their stupid Monstrous Stud of Migh earring procs.
    Let's hope they will replace it soon with DoV stuff.
    What ? ... Yes I kept mine
  10. ARCHIVED-aias Guest

    Tell them not to wear it if they don't realize it yet.
  11. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Emlar, your doing a hell of alot better than me then.
    For example, I did the x2 last night, and the caster group had to hold back any time my strikethru buff wasn't available. Which amounted to 2 out of 3 fights they had to hold back on. If they didn't hold back, it was ping all over the place.
    Honestly, its just blatently obvious when you look at the parses. With no strikethru, guard parsing 10k and not able to hold from wizard doing 100k. When the buff is up for the pull, guard parsing 30k and holding aggro just fine from the wizard.
    Too much raw hate is based off procs that require landing melee hits to proc. You add all those procs along side the net loss in dps leaves our hate generation lacking. We're far too reliant on transfers again.
    In my opinion, thats a big problem, in that aggro generation should be a tank's responsability, not so reliant on a feed from others.
  12. ARCHIVED-Justalon Guest

    I ended up doing a respec to get the hate AA lines back so that I could tank Velious and still hold aggro. I went from parsing 25-35K back down to 7-10K and the loss of DPS totally killed any hope I had of keeping hate off of the top parsers in our guild with my original spec. We are not a hard core raiding guild and our top parsers are only doing 40-60K (raid wide seems to be sitting around 300K on the SF content), but like was said before, our (the tanks) DPS dropped and our DPSers jumped up 10-15K each and are still climbing fast.
    The new spec makes tanking Heroic content pretty easy (before I had to watch for any DPS I didn't have my hate transfer on), but I still have issues in raids because of aggro management. Strikethrough is a big help, but should it be as much of a crutch as it seems to be? I also hate having to carry around 3 sets of armor with me. A pure tank set (anything that can get me mitigation and hate), a dps set (for clearing old stuff and heroic), and then a mix mash to try to balance that and keep crit mitigation up there.
    Originally i did have an issue in some of the new instances where I was getting hit for 80K non crit hits from some of the named and even trash were hitting me for 40K-50K a hit. I was at 75% mitigation, 150-160 crit mit, around 65% acoidance at the time and block and tower of stone did nothing to it to stop it. It was as if the mobs had strikethrough and were able to use it just in time for me to try to block the incoming attacks. This lasted for about a week, but then one of the patches completely fixed whatever was going on. I have not had the same issue at all, even on raids with the spike damage like that. I do not know what mechanic was fixed, but I am glad for it whatever it was.
  13. ARCHIVED-Emlar_from_Halas Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    I'm lucky enough to always run x2 with a dirge and a coercer in my group, and troubadour in caster's group.
    And when I'm even more lucky, I have an assass in mine.
    Though last time I had a brigand and I put 15% hate transfer on him which worked very well
    On monday, we made x2 from Xalgoti until Necretia
    ZW, I made 17K to be compared to 48K for necro, 28K for brigand and 27K for wiz.
    On Zorglim, I reached 27K where necro was at 56K.
    Self Buffed, I'm sitting with 20% strikethrough, and I will get an additional 7% with red adorn after sunday raid.
    Despite this, ZW, I only got 61% to hit on auto attack.
    On Zorglim though, I reached 82% To Hit%.
    BTW, I have 250% crit chance and 130% crit bonus once buffed. It may make a difference as well...
  14. ARCHIVED-aislynn00 Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    Given the gear available to your guild, if you're parsing 10K in the x2, you're doing something wrong. Dual-wielding (nothing in that zone except Tserrina requires a shield), you should be hitting at least 30K when you don't have Experienced Insight or Perfect Counterstrike up.
  15. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Karnos@Guk wrote:
    Then your saying my healers suck. Cause they can't keep up with the spike damage if I don't have block chance. So DW is out.
    I'm parsing closer to 15k now when behind a shield and d-stance maybe 18-19k switching O-stance, but the casters in my guild are posting ZW's quite abit higher than what emlar is dealing with.
    The brunt of the issue comes down to how fast dps can ramp up vs how slowly hate ramps up. There isn't enough at our disposal from itemization, aa, or ability that allows for short term spikes in hate that can compair to what casters can do with TW + EB + etc.
  16. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    I spent some time this week really looking at things, and I ended up swapping gear around.
    I lost over 1000hp, but I put on an item from last expansion, and one even from TSO.
    Wristguards of Divine Equillibrium
    Stud of Eternal Remembrance
    With the procs+gear+acceleration strike, I'm able to max dps and haste.
    The result was tonight I was parsing 50k on trash, and 35k defensively on nameds. The predictable result was aggro wasn't remotely a problem.
    None of the PQ/Instance/Raid items are replacing the dps buffs from previous expansion gear, and without that dps buffing, aggro is an issue.
  17. ARCHIVED-Siebzhen Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    Aggro is an issue? the heck my god i got out of pre dov gear asap and ive had the exact opposite results. Our MT (Pally) cant hold aggro off me i have to hold way back.
    What is your hate mod at during raids? me i hit 97% do around 30k - 45k in defensive.
    whats your heroic tree like?
    i did 8 stats (close to second O stance thats allways on), 10hp, 10 cb, 10 reuse, 10 crit bulwark, and partisan cleave
    are you only doing the x2's and no x4's? i noticed my aggro and dps started to really take off once i had about 4 fableds from the x2 and about 2 fableds from the x4's.
    I now only have the SF helm and 4 pieces of dov legendary and my guild's MT (paladin) has trouble holding mobs off me even when i have my dirge and coercer remove thier hate mod buffs. Have to use recapture alot to keep bumping the pally up hate positions.
  18. ARCHIVED-aislynn00 Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    By DPS buffs, do you mean DPS modifier? If so, that stat is easily capped with a dirge and a few pieces of fabled gear from this expansion; almost every weapon, shield, and bow comes with loads of it, plus what you find on the odd piece of jewelry or charms. With a coercer or inquisitor, it gets downright silly: I was sitting around 300--100 beyond the cap--a couple of days ago with a dirge and coercer in the MT group. Berserkers buff the entire raid with, among other things, a hefty bit of DPS modifier. And so on.
    As for Attack Speed, two dirges should keep you capped, and I'm assuming you have at least that many in a full raid. In the x2, we sometimes run with one, sometimes two, but as you mentioned, there are several items from previous expansions that work wonders if you need an attack speed boost; Band of the Corruptor off Munzok is another example; a couple of the war runes from DoV afford similar procs.
  19. ARCHIVED-aislynn00 Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    If your healers can't keep a dual-wielding guardian standing vs the named in the x2 (Tserrina being the obvious exception), then they really do need to up their game, you are running with the wrong priest classes, or you need to get your Mitigation and Crit Mit up.
    A defiler/templar or defiler/warden combo will definitely get the job done, assuming they are appropriately geared (SF tier 3, DoV easy-mode, or better), have the proper AA specs, and know what they are doing.
    When it comes to MT healing, the only spiky fight aside from Tserrina is the fellow with 100% Strikethrough. I'm pretty sure that could be handled by figuring out the script, though, which we never have; we just brute-force it.
  20. ARCHIVED-Wasuna Guest

    Let me add this to my notes...
    X4 geared healers can heal a x4 geared tank in a x2 and allow the tank to relax a bit.
    Got it.. check!