give us proper expert loots

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Earar, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Earar Well-Known Member

    why implementing expert zones with crappy loots ? what's the point ???

    just did Tomb of the venerated, and we got infuser, merc gear and legendary gear.

    why is there merc gear in tomb in the first place is beyond me, but then in expert ??? most people that do expert zones almost don't need mercs anymore.

    so what's the point in making boring zones with named long to kill if it gives crappy loot ?

    DBG knows how to make people want to go into their instances ....
    Conifur likes this.
  2. Kioske Well-Known Member

    They just took the loot already on the loot tables in the zones and added 20% stats and added the word "Expert" to the front of it. They didn't change any of the loot, add any loot, remove any loot, just added 20% stats. Kinda boring and full of zero thought.
    Conifur likes this.
  3. Earar Well-Known Member

    i know that ...

    with the potency bugs on loots not resolved and the crappy loots, and the mobs with loads of HP ... makes u want to run expert zones so badly
  4. Mizgamer62 Feldon Fan Club Member

    Are you really surprised?
    Conifur likes this.
  5. Earar Well-Known Member

    not surprised, just pissed
    Mizgamer62 and Conifur like this.
  6. Brightlyz Active Member

    Bot groups on my server making a killing on the crappy loot from these zones. No idea why people are actually paying for the garbage loot, but they are.
    Kioske likes this.
  7. Earar Well-Known Member

    people got too much plat to spend
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  8. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Try Shrouded temple :D
    Its good for farming 1.3k Pot items imp of course. Zone do not take long time, don't have much scripts mostly simply burn zone. Easy doable with single healer ... providing if healer is mystic :D
  9. Twisty Well-Known Member

    Obviously a whole fresh coat of loot would be great for experts, but you understand that it involves a whole hell lotta of work which could then mean a non-start for Experts content at all.

    Look for easy to implement suggestions, low hanging fruit type of stuff. I'll start:

    Make all Expert's loot salvage into epic fragments (like raid loot). Boom, problem fixed. Now experts are worth running adnauseam. It even makes sense on the level that Expert loot has higher resolve than EM Raid loot.
  10. Earar Well-Known Member

    maybe it's too much work also

    if it took them 2 patches to change the potency of some expert items, imagine, making what u ask ? since all they did was increasing resolve, adding 20% more stats, but the base item must be the same. I guess raid items are labelled differently in codes
  11. Twisty Well-Known Member

    change that i suggested is very easy because it requires no individual item review. simple database select for all times in a list of 12 (or so) zones and make them salvage into a different item then they are currently.

    compare that effort to individual loot piece creation, or even stat adjustments on existing pieces
  12. Earar Well-Known Member

    that u never know how easy or hard or just time demanding it is unless you've seen their database.

    because taking 20 loots, setting expert in front of the name and taking all blue stats and increasing them by 20% can also be seen as quite easy. but since we don't know how they work what they exactly need to do an stuff, you cannot be sure of it
  13. Twisty Well-Known Member

    sure. generic wise words. the reason loot is simply 20% better stats is because it's that easy fix, exactly like i said above, as opposed to making new loot. we shouldn't like it, but should acknowledge the reasons behind it.

    so in the vein of what's already been done, please make all Expert's loot salvage into epic fragments (like raid loot). this is the low hanging fruit
  14. Jrox Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm... If it was that easy why are we still waiting on fixes?

    Just sayin...
    DoomDrake, Meneltel and Earar like this.