get sokokar for Kunark ?

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Geroblue, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I got one for one account last fall during the prequel for the expac.

    But I'm doing Yun Zi quests for Summer of, and I cannot get a sokokar from the trainer. Say if I had one to hitch there, I could fly on his. Something like that.

    What quest do I do now that the expac is out to get a sokokar so my character can get one to fly around Kunark ?

    Thanks !
    Cassta and WhysperWynde like this.
  2. Balcerak Well-Known Member

    Cassta, WhysperWynde and Dude like this.
  3. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Characters are 110 adv level. So thats good.

    Thanks !
    Cassta likes this.
  4. Balcerak Well-Known Member

    And the sokokar work like the horses do in other zones. You click on the post and it shows you where it will go. You click on the destination and it flies there. So not a lot better than just flying your own mount but they do go a bit quicker.
  5. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I tend to get lost in zones I barely go to... so the sokokar knowing how to get there is a bonus for me.
    Cassta, Katz and Balcerak like this.
  6. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    there is an adventure quest line there too right next to the tradeskill one.
    They are both on the right side when you come to the main area by the 2 docs from the bell.
    The adventure guy is on to of the wall and his name is Borbin Happens .
    The quest he gives you is called " Cutting Your Teeth by Cutting Theirs " .
    The trade skill lass is simply , Jones
    Cassta and Breanna like this.
  7. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I have 3 accounts I can get this done for. Sokokar, but I"m not sure I have 65 crafting on all 3 of them.

    I've been using the city events to level up crafting. Last Frost Fell I got one character from crafting 30 up to crafting 74 that way... but I was tired and didn't notice it had low adventuring levels.

    Ah well, onward and upward to infinity and beyond !
    Cassta, WhysperWynde and Breanna like this.
  8. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    you can get the Sokokar for Kunark both ways as long as any of those toons are either adventurers level 65 or tradskill level 65.I did both , to bad you will only get one Sokokar pet,
    you get the real mount around level 95 for trade skills called Captain over board ? .
    Cassta and Breanna like this.
  9. WhysperWynde Well-Known Member

    There is a fix if one of the merchants/NPC's isn't there to interact with you when you need him. It's "/tar hroar" for getting Hroar Katacious's attention in I believe it is the Crafting Quest where you have to be Level 65 to get given a Sokokar.
    Cassta and Breanna like this.
  10. WhysperWynde Well-Known Member

    /tar hoar standing for Target Hroar to make him appear if he's invisible or not there when you need him to do the quest & get a young sokokar.
    Cassta, Breanna and Geroblue like this.