Froglok Racial Quest Series Serious Problem

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-Grycks, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Grycks Guest

    The quest's name is Royal Recognition and the task is to defeat the spirit (Spirit of Krys'lo...lore?) near the door to Starcrest Commune. A few seconds into the fight and the spirit appears to cast a cold based deathtouch...every time I fought. As a bard I used Veil of Notes, Countersong, Elemental Concerto (I think is the name...mitigation + ward), plus every defense I could and still died. Only when I used ALL of those AND brought along a mercenary did I discover that if you survive the deathtouch the spirit summons an army of microscopic minions to ensure survival is only achieved with the help of a fargin' raid force. Ok, maybe not that bad but this fight is clearly a bit too tough considering the quest is for level 20 and the reward is an obnoxious appearance aura. Working as intended?
  2. ARCHIVED-Fyreflyte Guest

    The spirit was mistakenly applying a potency bonus to that cold attack which was causing it to instantly kill its target. This has been fixed and the correct version will appear in the upcoming hotfix. In the meantime, you could also try mentoring down to a lower level where the spirit does not have potency (I believe under level 65) to defeat it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Harzel Guest

    As of 8/4, this is still broken.
    And if you mentor down, the mob is still at your actual level +1, so you die instantly from its melee attack. lol.
  4. ARCHIVED-Blisterfiend Guest

    I was able to complete this last night (August 9). I did have to do a big Lay on Hands heal but the Spirit didn't one-shot me this time.
    Off to help the brethren in Castleview Hamlet :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Pengefinchess Guest

    Thimdirran@Butcherblock wrote:
    Well its not even an aura (i met a wood elf and their racial aura was really neat) its a star that floats above your head but at a fixed point - when i run it looks like its not part of me but almost like a "tag" graphic.
    Dont like :(
    And yes the spirit squished me numerous times too - in the end i stayed dead and a merc finished it off.