Freeport quests mobs (Assisting Freeport yet again) are far too powerful.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Adahman, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. Adahman New Member

    I've done these quests on several characters and I've never run into this issue before. The MoBs I've encountered in the Freeport series that begins with "Assisting Freeport" have LITERALLY millions of HP. It takes up to 10 mins and a full bar of mana to even fight one down. In one case, there are prisoners' in the Scale Yard (even CON) you have to fight without a merc, and it took me 10 minutes to kill just one. Watching my flying text tell me that these MOBS are far more robust then I've ever seen them before.

    As an aside, I did this series on my SK just the other day and didn't see this issue at all.