Forum "Rank"

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by diamondabbraxus, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. diamondabbraxus New Member

    I've noticed that a lot of players on this forum have a title under their name like "Well Known Member" or "Active Member" or something. I would like to know, How many messages need to be posted to achieve which rank like
    Active Member - XYZ number of messages
    Well Known Member - XYZ number of messages
    Can anyone help me (Uwkete-of-Crushbone the only Well Known Member who i've seen on a forum post or anyone else)? Thanks!
  2. diamondabbraxus New Member

    Can anyone help me?
  3. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Forum software defaults are:

    New Member: 0 Points
    Member: 5 Points
    Active Member: 25 Points
    Well-Known Member: 45 Points

    Did SoE change the defaults? no idea.. But I've not seen anything to make me think they have. I see people at 33 points as Active Members, 63 Points as Well-Known Members, you have 3 points, and are a New Member.
  4. diamondabbraxus New Member

  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    Well you also have people like me who have 113 Trophy Points showing up definitely as Well Known Member. I'm well over 6000 posts and 2000 likes which really is just a sign of my activity. I believe Yennek has linked the proper information so there's not much else to say.

    I was going to say the same pretty much.