Focused Casting

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Allaz, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Allaz New Member

    The root needs to be removed or changed from this spell. Too many raid mobs require jousts or movement in COE. Off the top of my head Pharinich, Baroddas, Construct of Souls, Bastion, Fitzpitzle, Oligarch, Drinal, Ancient Sentinel, Fear Feaster..... 10 sec of root causes too many problems on a majority of raid content.
  2. Chronus Active Member

    Or or or, time it like every other warlock, 12.8s of root or whatever it is now with occult bolt + harmonisation is fine because you can use it inbetween knockback aoes, inbetween dets like the pharinich thing, the bastion move, oligar pillars, drinal aoes, sentinel constructs, glokus aoes etc.

    On construct use an aoe immunity clicky or get a bladedance/tshell, coordinate.
  3. liquid Member

    I will take your root _doubletime_, if i get 13s of spelldbl on my wizzi too.
  4. Thalador Active Member

    +1 on get rid of root
  5. Chronus Active Member

    You guys really can't time it between roots, jousts, knockbacks and illy timewarps? It should be kept as it is to make the class still require some element of skill and timing.
  6. Morphius Member

    I cant think of any other class that dies more than a warlock anyways, so just blame it on your root. P