Flying in Blood of Luclin

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Caeri A, Jun 28, 2020.

  1. Caeri A New Member

    Would it be possible to make flying in this expansion available account wide after a Sig is complete. I have multiple accounts and many toons and find this quite exasperating.

    I listened to Kandor's podcasts and can understand wanting folks to explore each zone and appreciate what's there but geez.

    Please don't stop the podcasts. Those are great :)
  2. dorotea Well-Known Member

    The theory presumably is "why make the content trivial for all characters after the first?" There is some merit to this though I must say that flying makes very little difference during the two signature lines.

    The difference between flying somewhere and riding - especially with invisibility - is a matter of a minute or two, Even a fairly long ride as in the TS trip to get three strange objects.

    The only things that flying does make a lot easier is harvesting, farming collectibles, doing the outdoor weeklies and the like.

    I suspect they just want to have a time sink - forcing any alt that wants to fly to do a full sigline. Maybe a money sink since by far the fastest way is to buy level 110 TS and do that sigline.
    chattie likes this.
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    In the past, there has been a reward from the sig line to make it worth doing. They declined to make one for this expac, so the only thing they have to 'encourage' people to run the the sig line is to get flying back.
    Kheldar, Feldon, chattie and 6 others like this.
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I don't think they "declined" to make one. This expansion had to be rushed out the door because the devs were forced to meet a deadline set by the higher-ups at Daybreak, so they couldn't plan out the expansion and rewards the way they wanted to.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    They've added end-line rewards after expac release in the past. Creating one, or at most 5 different items worth doing a sig line for shouldn't be so hard that they can't manage, even if it's a week or so after release.
    chattie and Breanna like this.
  6. Dude Well-Known Member

    It's the same deadline they have every year.
    Kheldar, Feldon and Breanna like this.
  7. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    They've already said we're getting the same next expansion haven't they? ... something to look forward to I guess.
    Kheldar, Breanna and Mermut like this.
  8. Raff Well-Known Member

    Its the repetition that bugs me. On my 4th alt now thru the sig line because I want to be able to fly..but it a bore. Can hardly make myself finish this last one. Even though I want an alt healer.
  9. Dude Well-Known Member

    Totally agree. I think I did it two or three times. There's no way I could bring myself to do it again. It's just not fun.
    AOE1, chattie, Barbarosa_Rex and 3 others like this.
  10. parissa Well-Known Member

    I did it on almost 20 characters altogether... I couldn't finish the rest... I did make sure that one on each account atleast did it so others could have access to the zones... But I cringe when I think about my other alts that need it... Mainly use them for crafting and gathering... Should've just done the tradeskill one... I would've been more apt to do it on all if they had a mount as part of the reward like they used to...
  11. Raff Well-Known Member

    Holy moly...on 20 characters? Parissa, you are a machine. :)
  12. parissa Well-Known Member

    What's really bad is when you forget you haven't finished on a character yet... You zone to the binding, then run off the cliff to start flying towards that name you see hover right over on the rocks... As I rez myself and look around hoping no one saw... :oops: I'm sure people start laughing and think I am completely crazy for just barreling off a cliff upon zone in, as my merc just looks down and rolls its eyes ... I play late nights when I get off work, so it's pretty dead... If I didn't run the signature on them I wouldn't be able to get all those shinies and fly around gathering without getting smacked upside the head when I wasn't looking...
    chattie, Breanna, Rosyposy and 2 others like this.
  13. Nuggetmachine Member

    I personally like the idea that you need to get your footwork in before you can fly in the new strange land. But more than once seems a little stagnant.

    this made me giggle loool
    AOE1, Barbarosa_Rex, Breanna and 3 others like this.
  14. Breanna Well-Known Member

    I started doing just the ts sig line seems quicker and easier, now I just do it until they turn 120 and stop, I figure if I ever get to luclin on them then I'll finish it up. But yea my main ones are done.
  15. chattie Well-Known Member

    120 for me too..i have all my toons to 120 for next expac, an if its anything like BoL Im retiring from EQ2
    AOE1 and Breanna like this.
  16. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    This is why you don't put flying mounts in your MMO to begin with.
    Breanna likes this.
  17. dorotea Well-Known Member

    A basic question is why bother flying in the first place? What do you want the character just getting to Luclin to actually do?
    Harvesting can be easily done right near where you start and is rarely contested since the materials are almost useless and sell for tiny amounts on most servers - even rares are extremely easy to get by overseer missions or the harvesting pony or both.

    The cartography quest is easier with flight but I wouldn't do either signature line to make one quest a bit faster. Some mercenaries are easier to get with flight but it isn't hard to get someone to summon you to a mercenary. The weekly outdoor quests are easier with flight but if you have already gotten other characters to this point is there a need to do them with a new character? The currency can be transferred between characters, after all.

    About all I can think of is if you want a new character to do a LOT of dungeons but even there it takes just a few minutes to get from any dungeon to any other dungeon.
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Flying has been in the game for several years now "why fly?" isn't a pertinent question any more.
    That makes the real question 'Why take it away?'
    Followed by: What purpose does removing it serve? How does it improve the player experience?
  19. Ferrangie New Member

    If it were part of the story line that only the bug mount, what ever it is called, could fly there, that might make more sense.
  20. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    Kander stole WoW's excuse.

    At least FF14 was honest-ish. Not completely honest, but honest-ish. That, and you don't have to play alts ever unless you intend to.
    Kheldar likes this.