Fix the doors in Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime x4

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Mascouti, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mascouti Guest

    Fix the doors in Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime x4. The doors keep getting locked and not unlocking. Then have to wait for timer to expire and try again. Only for the doors to stay locked again after a wipe. Have to keep an alt logged in pass door so we can all call to him.
    We have tried camping out, leaving the zone, coming back another day, and still locked.
  2. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    Yes, fix this please. Also, I find it pretty annoying that all versions of this zone cause you to enter facing the exit.
  3. ARCHIVED-Stonestrong Guest

    How many updates this week and this still isn't fixed?This is a pretty big deal guys can we get some feedback or something as to why it still isn't fixed ?
  4. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Nope you can't even get an official ackonowldgment of it. You /petition it you are told too bad it is affecting everyone so we can't do anything. The also put a comment in there to check which makes no mention of the problem, so to me it seems like it is more of a minor inconvienence to them than an issue. If I have missed a public acknowledgment by the dev team on this then by all means please direct me to it, otherwise best I can tell this is a matter of the lowest priority to them, if it is a matter at all.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kizee Guest

    Here is a brainstorm guys...... take the stupid doors out if you can't figure out how to fix them.
  6. ARCHIVED-Stonestrong Guest

    Shimmer@Befallen wrote:

    Even better. You can fix the problem and save face. You don't even have to tell us you couldn't figure it out.
  7. ARCHIVED-Reahov Guest

    Hello everyone,
    Is this still occurring in a fresh instance? Is this Easy or Hard mode, or both?
  8. ARCHIVED-Kizee Guest

    Reahov wrote:
    Yes, we just started a fresh instance last night (easy mode) and by the end of the night the doors were locked again.
  9. ARCHIVED-Reahov Guest

    Shimmer@Befallen wrote:
    Have you started a fresh instance after this morning's hotfix? Which bosses have you killed? Which boss are you working on? Which doors (give me a loc) are locked?
  10. ARCHIVED-Mascouti Guest

    Have not started a fresh instance yet after today's patch.
    Last week it was the first door that got locked, this week it was door after Bregedor that locked.
    For some reason after we kill Taaltak the Mighty raid is still stuck in combat.
    And we don't get out of combat until we kill or die on Eireen the Broken.
  11. ARCHIVED-Reahov Guest

    Mascouti wrote:
    Could you please try a fresh instance and let me know how it goes?
    Thanks for the details.
  12. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Mascouti wrote:
    This has something to do with the rumblers in the room getting hit by some sort of AE ability, probably AE Auto attack. In fact, if you stand close to the one that is aggro it will attack you.
    Evac fixed this for us.
  13. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Reahov wrote:
    Finally we maybe getting somewhere.
    All information from easy mode
    First run on 2/23/2010 after figuring out the encounter we ended up eliminating the 2 big mobs leaving the small mobs which of course went down easily and left no chest. We figured second encounter out rather quickly but were running out of time, wiped and were going to give another pull but the first set of doors to the zone were bugged, the cursor would indicate an object that could be interacted with but no text or 'chime' sound came when clicking them they just remained closed. This was petitioned by someone in raid not me.
    On the 27th we returned went through the first 2 named and to the third named encounter problems there and the doors that unlock after clearing the bitelimb encounter were locked. /petitioned and were basically told that's too bad we can't do anything try again when you can reset.
    On the 3rd we were still locked out so we went to a KD zone.
    We reset on the 7th and went through the first 4 named taking down taaltak on our final pull of the night.
    These zones were fresh everytime we went, quite frankly because they were so severly bugged that every time we left for the night a set of doors somewhere were bugged.
    I'm not sure what will happen Sunday I expect nothing less than the zone to still be totally screwed up and require us to reset once again. If it isn't we will be on the 5th named, if it is we will have to to back to throne of storms.
    I don't mean to sound harsh but the amount of QA that went into this expansion was limited at best, I mean when things like the AA respec window not having enough slots to allow for respeccing the character traits demonstrates clearly the lack of regression testing that went into this. I mean seriously, a new AA tree is added and no one even bothers to check to see about respeccing AA's?
    I think it would be a lot more prodcutive for someone to come to the zones, see them, see what is broken instead of weeks later asking for info that is now cloudy at best and tarnished by being irritated by the plethora of other senseless bugs that have been encountered. There is no telling how many more problems there could be with this zone, but instead of someone taking the time, doing the right thing and putting our raid into the zone where we can continue with the 5th named, we have to start over, hope that you have one of the first two problems fixed clear thrugh the 5th named and see if it bugs out at that point. It is bad enough that we are still alpha/beta testing this, but if we have to do so and pay a monthly fee at the same time at least it could be made where it was not do difficult to do.
    Again it is nice to see that someone has finally came out to ask questions about this it has only been being petitioned and mentioned on the forums for almost 3 weeks now, and that is not your fault bug /petition /bug /feedback seem to do little, until maybe several hundred come in I don't know.
  14. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Reahov wrote:
    We would have been glad to start a fresh instance but we have to wait on a silly 68 hour timer, if SOE is aksing this of players the least that can be done in return for them and to accelerate getting the zones fixed is to either shorten the times until it is fixed or permit the GM's to remove lockout timers so this can be done. Anything short of this demonstrates that it is on a very low priority level.
  15. ARCHIVED-Mascouti Guest

    Banditman wrote:
    Yeah we evac'd as well and doors stayed locked.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    After re-reading the hot fixes for the 8th,9th,10th and for tomorrows 11th I see nothing that mentions anything to do with anything in this thread. I see that hard mode Bitelimb may or may not (read should) drop a chest after killing.
  17. ARCHIVED-NariArinniana Guest

    Yeah this is still very much bugged. Tonight we had to evac the raid because of a bug with Kraytoc and ended up having to ditch the zone because of the doors. WTB fix, please.
  18. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Great I guess we will probably be resetting Sunday and starting from scratch instead of progressing to a new named in there...
  19. ARCHIVED-Reahov Guest

    Masako@Crushbone wrote:
    And this was a fresh instance that you started on 3/10 or was it an existing instance? Could you be more specific as to the point at which you had to stop?

    Thanks again,
  20. ARCHIVED-LardLord Guest

    We didn't have problems getting stuck in combat around Eirreen/Taaltak this time through, but the bug with Kraytoc himself is definitely still there. We killed Kraytoc while all of the pillars in his room were still shielded and ended up stuck in combat. Something about the pillars is bugging that encounter.