Fix Duels, and Arena

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Luanne, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Luanne Active Member

    If you want things tested more often, PLEASEEEEEEEEEE Fix duels! Make duels flag you as in pvp combat, so the pvp system works properly. This has been broken since the beginning and never fixed! Also make the duel ring 50-60 meter instead of 30.

    The arena in the cities! Why does this have another ruleset where nothing seems to work properly? Can make this have the same PVP ruleset as battlegrounds so it's actually useful?
    Make it so we can schedule group pvp battles, maybe even rated group fights?

    Why are these two things in the game but useless for testing real pvp? Would be eternally grateful if this could be included in the next update. I mean, how hard can it possibly be to make it use the pvp rulset in duels and arena, and then add some other cool stuff to the arena?
  2. Xeos Well-Known Member

    Completely agree. If arenas worked that coukd be a moving point towarda ranked matches etc
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    Actually arena with ranking would be amazing... I used to love the Maj'Dul arena back when people used it. Well I watched someone else do it lol I wasn't playing back then. Indeed though Duels should use PvP Rulesets.
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I +1 the arena, a good system'd arena would be amazing to have, but I feel that duels, and even the arena should be pvp with pve rules still, it's not like it's hard to find pve procs that work. but that's just me I guess