First Ever Mount on the Marketplace!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, May 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Orlac Guest

    Can someone post a link to where is says Featherfall?
  2. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    Orlac wrote:
    I believe it was originally in the announcement on Eq2players that had it listed. However, Smokejumper can in and said that was a mistake since featherfall was never supposed to be on them. Then it was removed...
  3. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Elorah wrote:
    *nod* the featherfall bit was up for less than a working day.
  4. ARCHIVED-SilverMoth Guest

    any possibility of getting a mount thats a bit more girlish? im not saying pink and sparkly but one that isnt so warish and clad in armor. (and not a horse!)
  5. ARCHIVED-silverdragonwolf Guest

    Normally you would have a claim for false advertising, but since you don't actually "OWN" any of it, there is nothing a court can do.
    if you read the EULA it states in leagalese that all your stuff in game is the intelectual and digital property of SoE. That's why you can't sell accounts or plat with out it being a crime.
    now, that being said, if you live in China or Korea (I forget weather it's N, S or what ever, the Comunist one) then you DO own you digital property, but the EULA for there states that all things are subject to change with out notice, so still no case, that and the fact that the mount is USA only . . .sheesh
  6. ARCHIVED-Birna Guest

    Vortexelemental@The Bazaar wrote:
    Yeah. I must say I got pretty mad as featherfall was one (big) reason why I decided to buy this pricy mount. Reduced falling dmg matters in pvp. What's said/done is said/done and they should stick with it, or else it IS false advertising as people aren't getting what they payed for!
  7. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Birna wrote:
    Alas, it is not false advertising when they issued a correction.
  8. ARCHIVED-Birna Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    not until after I had bought the mount
  9. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    rna wrote:
    Why did you buy it, then? 'Cause it didn't have Featherfall listed on ithe Mount itself. Did you look at the item or just assume it was there? Buyer Beware isn't just a saying, you know.
    And, actually it was False Advertising but the Mounts themselves state exactly what they contain. So, the Advertisement was there to get you interested but the Truth in Labeling, so to speak, was there stating exactly what you were buying. It's up to the consumer to make informed decisions, regardless of what the 'car salesman' is saying ..
    But, you can /petition and I believe it was stated earlier in this mofo of a thread that you can get $25 worth of SC in exchange instead. Of 'course that was stated by a player as their only option given to them when they got their petition answered not by a SOE employee so again .. you'd have to take that with a grain of salt as to whether or not that was true.
  10. ARCHIVED-msheaf Guest

    Rijacki wrote:
    If you bought the SC via credit card you can contact the issuer and file a charge back. The downside to this is once SOE gets it they may cancel your account.
    They really should give refunds to anyone who bought on at the beginning under the impression of it having safefall. It's not like you are going to return a used good to them that has almost no resale value. It's simply good customer relations to do this.
  11. ARCHIVED-loramil Guest

    Kaisha@Permafrost wrote:
    That's fairly close to the definition of 'Bait and Switch'. You're advertising a 'feature' (as opposed to a low price point) as a means of inducing someone to purchase an item. Now someone walks into the store (the SC Exchange in this case) and looks at the item and it DOESN"T have the feature you advertised it with. The only thing that would let you off the hook is that it's also requried that the action be Willfull.
  12. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    Loramil@Permafrost wrote:
    It's actually iffy .. since the advertisement saying it had Featherfall was only up for a short time, in comparision to the proposed 30 days. They did correct themselves very quickly after the error was brought to their attention.
    Bait & switch is where they advertise one thing, say they are all out of it and show you something 'comparable' and yet still run the original advertisment.
    SOE corrected their 'ad'. The only reason people still know about it is 'cause people keep bringing it up. The person that logged on, what 4-5 hours?, after this released & after the Ad was corrected, made the decision to buy based on the stats/run speed/looks & price value. Which is the way it should have been even with the Featherfall advert. Never buy something in hopes they'll fix/change it. Only buy it after they have or if it still holds value to you in its current form.
    I notice no one is complaining that they fixed the item to be Heirloom instead of being forever locked to that one character. Though, they still need to fix the 'attunable' part, which they have already said was fixed, we're just waiting for another hotfix. Though technically they didn't have to change it, even if it was supposed to be Heirloom when they decided on releasing them, since it went out No Trade, they could have easily just left it that way.
    All in All .. it might have brought them in some decent cash but not one of their most smoothest 'launches' ..
  13. ARCHIVED-Sunflower Guest

    Will they offer mounts again on the Marketplace once the Prowlers are taken off? I can't say I really like the look of the Prowlers.
  14. ARCHIVED-silverdragonwolf Guest

    they sure look better than the Portable Nausea-Inducing Pollution Machine (the tinkered hover disk)
  15. ARCHIVED-misskitten Guest

    With very little run speed, i don't think its worth $25.
    And for the love of everything thats good, when can i get a fast OBVIOUSLY pink mount (since updated clothes are out of the question im sure)? Something like the new blue mount.. its so bright. I, and countless others, would love something like that in a more girly color like pink. Its one thing for the clothing selection to suck in this game, but another for the mounts. Can the girls PLEASE get something worthwhile? We do still play this game, you know. Thanks!
  16. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    Sunflower wrote:
    You can bet your sweet bippie on that because the marketplace is a hot spot for income producing items. SoE will analysis what type of goods are popular choices, then enhance that. If they did well on the $25 mount, expect more flashy fluff to come your way. Then you can get excited about the new look of the new mount and spend $25 on it before it gets replaced by something else to excite your fancy.
    A biz is only run by fools if it can't increase its income over time.
  17. ARCHIVED-cashp Guest

    Kaisha@Permafrost wrote:
    Heh...just 4-5 hours? That's a long time. Working retail I see far worse representations, scams, everything you can think of really. All trying to play the system.
    Seems weird to me SoE gets away with everything where in retail the customer gets everything.
    I am often told to just give deals to customers so the store won't get complaints.
    Besides the fact no one ever reads the flier correctly or the ad tags and expects we give them the deal they thought it was even though that's ...not the deal.
  18. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Have they readded the purple mist to the prowlers?
    I see nothing and only small puffs when I run. My daughter says she sees some sparkles when I run that I don't see at all:
  19. ARCHIVED-ericsweeney Guest

    Good question about the SC mounts. Covic had responded in the Mounts thread that he was going to have the particle effects restored, but it hasn't been done yet. I was going to see if they had been taken care of in today's Hotfix. With the holiday weekend affecting last week, I was going to cut him a bit of slack. But if they're not fixed today, I'm going to send him a PM reminder. It might help if a bunch of us did the same.
  20. ARCHIVED-Purr Guest

    Heirloom doesn't do any good if you play on several servers... Make it one per char already, please!