Fire and ice???

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-hessin, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-hessin Guest

    So something has been bothering me about this class and I just had to ask. Why if Warlock are supposed to be all about disease and poison do I have heat and cold spells? I asked one of the wizards in my guild and he says his toon has mainly heat and cold spells with a few magic damage spells sprinkled in here and there. I just found it kind of puzzleing and figured I would ask. Thanks for you time.
  2. ARCHIVED-hoosierdaddy Guest

    Hessin@Oasis wrote:
    The elemental damage types of Flames of Velious (our Bloodlines spell) and Encase are remnants from a time when some mobs were entirely immune to certain forms of damage.
    If a warlock was raiding an encounter that was entirely immune to noxious effects, he/she would have elemental damage to fall back upon. Likewise, if a mob was immune to elemental damage, a wizard could use their arcane-based damage spells.
    Since mobs altogether resisting specific forms of damage has been removed, however, the damage types of these spells is for all intents and purposes obsolete.
    I guess it would be nice if Flames or Encase would trigger Gift of Bertox, but meh, it's no big deal really. It's not like either of these two will ever be close to being your best damage spells.
  3. ARCHIVED-hessin Guest

    Thanks for the information! Just seems kind of wierd and figured they would have changed it when they changed the mechanics of the game. /shrug...
  4. ARCHIVED-ravenkitty Guest

    i think theres more to it really. if you go back and look, at books, movies and ect, warlocks have used all sorts of magics, and even some elemental. wich is i think is part of the reason they have it. though, warlocks of legends used more fire, then ice i think. but, it would be nice if they attached a more, darker, use of our elemental spells. like, take the ice ones for instance, i have always oneslty loved the icey needings stabbing my enimies to death...but it hink the graphic should have some sort of darker look to it...more voidish, just darker, if it makes sense?
    we are warlocks, the techinicaly the more evil of the sorcerer sword.we are powerful...we posion, and make things decay if it looks at us funny. so i think if they added some sort of decay/poison or mob debuff to those elemental spells might bring them more in line. but that just my opinion. :)
  5. ARCHIVED-hessin Guest

    I just dont know. Wish they would switch the damage over but it will most likley never get looked into. I do like the spell animation with the giant spears of ice sticking out of my dead enemy but it just never seems to fit the personality of my warlock. I picture him being some plague bringing persona of death... with fairy wings (I'm an Arasai). Would just be nice if the Devlopers switched the damage over and changed up the spell animations to something a bit more fitting...
  6. ARCHIVED-DwarvesRUs Guest

    hoosierdaddy wrote:
    Come now. . . you're a launch day vet and you don't remember that from level 4 to level 9 we were MAGES with Magic damage who then became SORCERERS from 10-19 with Heat and Cold spells and then once we reached level 20 we became WARLOCKS with Disease and Poison spells?
    It never had anything to do with damage immunities -- it was always the level progression. The fact that it's been retained after we no longer do that level progression is a sore point for me. IMO Warlocks should be Noxious damage tyes only, but the spell coders obviously disagree. . . .
  7. ARCHIVED-hessin Guest

    Elynna@Befallen wrote:
    Ok now this makes alot more sense. I started playing about 3 years ago so I never went through any of that progression. I can't undestand why they don't change this with all the other spells they are tweaking and messing around with. It would be nice to see this changed over. Thanks for the info.