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/Feedback on 'Down Below' entrances / exits in Qeynos

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kuulei, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    I recently decided to try my paws at changing my alignment and found that moving about Qeynos is made more difficult since the revamp with the location of the 'The Down Below' grate locations. The grates were not moved to accomodate the larger zone and are but a gate-width apart, so to speak.

    I think a more apropriate location for the "South Qeynos" would be closer to the mage tower, not a gates-width from the North Qeynos exit.
    Or move the north, further north.

    as it is now, they are almost on top of each other.
  2. Lucus Well-Known Member

    im sorry but if nothing about their locations was changed how is it any harder to move around qeynos then before for ppl changing aligments? the best part about the qeynos update was that they didnt go overboard and completely re-do qeynos and isntead kept the basic design the same and spruced it up a bit.
  3. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    It just now that North and South Qeynos are one zone, the exits from "The Down Below" for those former zones are pretty much right on top of each other. I just though moving the 'South Qeynos' a little more south, would make it slightly less expensive :p when I repair from the deaths.
    Running from the current location to the instance behind the mage tower, is definitely difficult, especially at my current level 30.
    I am sure it won't be considered, but this is just a feedback I am not complaining, just making an observation and suggestion.
  4. Calthine Well-Known Member

    It's not supposed to be easy :)
  5. Cyliena Well-Known Member

    What I mentioned when I was running betrayal post-Qeynos revamp was that it would be helpful if there was a direct entrance to the Down Below from Antonica. Currently you have to jump from Antonica through Peat Bog -> Vermin's Snye -> Down Below, whereas the Freeport revamp added a grate to Thieves' Way directly from Commonlands.

    There is nothing wrong with where the grates are in the city (though I wouldn't complain if the SQ one was near the mage tower instead). In my opinion the amount of zone hopping you have to do just to get there is unbalanced compared to navigating into FP via the sewers.
    Kuulei likes this.
  6. Lucus Well-Known Member

    Personally i can see sense in keeping the grates where they are, for example the north/south qeynos border gate if you are too low to fight those guards at the gatehouse you can zone to the down below and the grates to north/south qeynos is right in front of you.

    regarding your trouble getting killed by guards, if you have any good side friends why not group with them and have them act as a scout to help you path where you are headed and let you know where the guards are and what their pathing is heading.
  7. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Thats what I wanted to feedback, is perhaps move the south qeynos a little more south, like across the moat from the mage tower or that unused dock near the mage tower (that grate in the water there, would be perfect to come out of from the down below!)