Feb 5th PvP Beta server ??

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Dekayius, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. Dekayius New Member

    So I've been trying to access the beta server all day. States there's no server to access. Am I missing something? It's 5:30pm CST now and I can't seem to find any information from DB or EQ2 twitter about the actual time it was suppose to start.
    Is it even on the beta server?? Or do I need to access the game via US server and select "nagafen" after character creation? (I can't do this as a free to play, because I don't have any available character slots that aren't locked from my time playing TLE.)

    Just sucks I can't find any information from a company I'd throw money at to play... if I could I actually play.

    Doesn't bode well, and I'm just hoping I've done something in error...

  2. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Breanna and Dude like this.
  3. Dekayius New Member

    Tyvm! Looks like I need to get on discord for any update information. Appreciate the response.
    Zenji likes this.
  4. Spectre Active Member

    Everyone ready for 10am? ;P
    Miss_Jackie likes this.