Familiars Wild quest-which Familiars?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by FalconClash, May 3, 2018.

  1. FalconClash Well-Known Member

    I have 7 characters at this point, and I do the Familiars Wild quest with each one every day that I can get online.

    I know they are supposed to be from season Three. My issue is that I keep getting the exact same Familiars over and over, the same 9.

    Vile Contagion/ Remnant of Theer/ Reanimated Hand/ Orafic Soulscreecher/ Ignus Remnant/ Voracious Beetug/ Boom Burble/ Spotted Pig/ Royal Titan

    My question is; Are we also limited to specific Familiars within season Three, or has my luck just been really bad?
    Evilnok likes this.
  2. Evilnok Active Member

    same here! so I just feed the same kind to my current familiar that I have summoned lol
  3. FalconClash Well-Known Member

    Fiiinaly I got something different, my warden got a Rose Unicorn. So I guess I answered my own question, maybe?
    Evilnok and Rosyposy like this.
  4. Zendi New Member

    If you examine the cage with a right click, it shows which familiars can drop from it. It is a smaller subset of the season 3 that drop from the marketplace-purchased crate.
    Skrat likes this.
  5. FalconClash Well-Known Member

    Darn, the Bear, Wolf and Warthog are not included, wanted those for my Ranger :(
    Still a couple left to collect of the 15 at least. I definitely need that Stelecat.

    Thanx, Zendi.