I've run through fabled kurns H1/H2 a little bit and wanted to start a thread for initial feedback/impressions. First off, I do like the fights. Scripts were fun, with H2 Wumpus in particular being one that delighted people. We've only run into two issues mechanically so far in the H2 - for the twins fight, everyone had ascension buffs on and the rooms won't override that for changing damage type, and on the last guy anyone trying to dispel when there were multiple buffs on would croak (for example, priest and mage buff both on, priest tries to dispel and strips both, dies). If you're supposed to dispel them in a specific order to avoid exploding then it wasn't super clear to me. As far as tuning goes, the bosses sure seemed to have a ton of health for what they dropped. From what it looked like to me, the H2 seems like it's aimed at an audience that's between Den H2 Normal and Den H2 challenge mode, but the fights seemed pretty rough if that's the intent. The first two fights weren't that bad, but I think it bears mentioning that any fight that requires significant movement is always a lot trickier than those that don't because inevitably people tend to die outside heal range/struggle to stay clustered. The size of the rooms themselves with any form of knockback contributes to their difficulty. Given that, I think the fights are probably a little harder than you might have intended and what their stats would suggest and should probably be nerfed a bit to be appropriate for the audience it's aimed at - it does seem like it's a bit trickier than Den CM at the moment.
The 3rd and 4th bosses in Heroic II won't proc a heal or dispel anymore so that should make them go quicker. I will look further into the dispel issue on the final boss. You shouldn't need to dispel them in order.
I'm not sure if any of this is helpful, but this is my experience so far on with dispels on the boss. I have definitely dispelled them out of order and it's gone fine. For what its worth, there was one time where someone might of died to a double dispell thing(I didn't check logs to verify though) but this happened when the boss had 3 buffs on it(so wondering if its possible on the double cast dispell it hit the two that were not their archytpe?) What I have seen more of is two of the same archtype dispelling(or one person hitting two different dispels) and then dying cause it no longer has the archype buff when the second dispell lands(I'm curious if people are seeing this but not realizing it). I have seen multiple instances where dispell doublecasts and the person is not murdered for attempting to dispel another archtypes buff as well.
My main comment is about the Fabled x2 zone. The nameds have a bit too much hp and combat mit. I do not see having a long fight as a challenge. It becomes tedious very fast and to the point where you simply lose focus and get bored during the fight. And the trash having that coop buff further slows down the momentum as 2 groups can bring the dps to a crawl especially when you have to keep on spamming control effects on them. As it stands, the one group achievement is going to be a chore for a while.
Boss: There's two issues, plus a complaint. Issue 1) If you double cast a dispell (Absorb Magic, Serene Symbol , I have both personally tested), you die from one of two things. Dispelling a second buff from the named that is not yours, or you die from no illusion, which I would assume is because the illusion is striped from you when the first dispell lands, so you don't have it any longer for the second dispell from the multi/double cast. Temporarily (and terrible) short term solution for anyone reading this, get your ability double cast down to 200 out of combat, and it likely won't spike over 292 (mob's adc avoidance), and you won't have any issues with this. Tip for removing ADC, is remove your mercenary buff. They provide a lot of ADC. If that's not enough, keep an old helm/cloak/neck/belt to lower it. Issue 2) Is there some secret sauce to getting the illusion? Some times I can get it fine, other times I've run through, jumped 200 times all over orbs and just cannot get it. This is a bigger issue because of the complaint below... Complain) Classes that don't have an ability dispell, are required to carry around forlon inverters, and they take an incredible amount of resources to craft. Ideally, the cost to craft them is lowered by a lot... alternatively, a second option is on that fight, give everyone an ability dispell, so everyone is on the same playing field.
One more thing to add. Coercer AA "Enhance: Absorb Magic" will make you dispell a second buff also (fighter or scout, I don't recall) and will kill the coercer. So you have to remove AA from this also.
Guardian - no class dispel - forlorn energy inverters are taking me to the cleaners - sigh Also, if you have a mortal coil on the name, the dispel with take care of that and you still have to dispel your class one again. With the 5% health increase due to a death (Mucked cure always) it is a Double whammy.
Inverters were an easy craft 2 expansions ago if I recall correctly, no idea who thought they needed to make them expensive/complicated to craft. Just like some of temp adornment crafts.
Next update, the reflects on Yynzik will be immune to Ability Doublecast and will be dispellable with Veilwalker's Energy Inverters.
I am not 100% on this, but it seemed like for the last name, if you got the buff with the void balls and got hit again by the balls, it removes the buff. Can we have that not happen? There's a lot going on in that fight and once we get the buff we think we are ok, not realizing we got it removed by being hit by the next void ball. Thank you!
Currently, if you have Greater Chaos of Theer, you cannot get it again until it wears off after 30 seconds.
I can confirm that it does NOT get removed. I have been able to dispell twice from the same debuff when it picks mine again fast enough - usually though I end up waiting for it to drop and then get a new one so I'm not dispelling as it is falling off me( which I totally did not die to once or twice before doing that, totally). [I watch to see if it is flashing and if so I mouseover it to check time left before dispelling]