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Extreme Lag in Raid Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Ormy, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    We got Captain yesterday just under 8 minutes - yes lag was a lot less notable, yet we have fury with fae fire and tones other procs goes around. Here is also what we noticed - lag does accumulates - the shorter duration of raid in Maldura (read faster zone clean up) the less lag we see at Captains. But fore sure we slashed 2-2.5 minutes of fight just (from slightly above 10 to slightly below 8) just for sheer reason of lag reduction
  2. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Yeah, something about clearing trash on a previous night near names seems to greatly lessen the lag in a zone the next day. I'm guessing the virtual instance retains information about the trash for some period of time in buffers until the virtual instance cpu/resources decides to let it go after some time.

    And this would also be why trying to kill Vanilith is nigh impossible with the invisible lag because of constant accumulation of zone trash information.
  3. Rarrum Active Member

    A similar problem, if you pull the Captain fight and kill a bunch of trash.. then wipe.. corpses from that trash stay there. Sometimes dozens of bodies. This can accumulate from multiple pulls too. I don't know how that affects server performance, but it probably doesn't help the client. Fortunately at least in this case you can have a dedicated looted vacuum them up.
  4. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Time to raise this thread again.

    Extreme Lag in Maj' Dul
    Zek Raid zone 8:17 PM CST.
    Took a full second to cast every CA. 0.75 and 0.5 sec CAs took 2 seconds. Smoke Bomb wouldn't even cast.
    Neiloch likes this.
  5. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Given that its a Monday I am inclined to think the extra lag is a case of having lots of guilds running the zone at once. Doesn't make it any less terrible unfortunately.
  6. Jrel Well-Known Member

    8:59 PM CST. Still happening. New zone too. Even a few seconds of can't do anything is happening. Default UI. Autoattack completely off.
    Neiloch likes this.
  7. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Extreme Lag Still happening: Fabled Antechamber of Fate raid zone 9:32 PM CST to 9:35 PM CST.