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Extreme Lag in Raid Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Ormy, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Lea Plath Active Member

    Does this include items placed in houses? And if people emptied their banks, had maybe 50 items at most besides gear equiped, would it make a difference
  2. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Maybe i'll just buy a bunch of unattuners and reroll the same class instead...

    Seems like loading bank and vault stuff would be a waste when you are in zones you can't access your bank and vault.
  3. Alethus Member

    My question then is why would bags, bank, or house vault be causing combat lag? I can see those things making zoning take longer (although why you would load a house vault or bank where it they are inaccessible is beyond me), but actively affecting the time it takes to perform combat actions? I would have thought that that list would already be optimized to down to just the items that proc, thus making the number of items in the inventory irrelevant for purposes of combat lag (unless the servers just don't have enough memory in them to have every character in the zone have completely full bags and such). This would be one area where it would be wonderful to have a panel discussion on some time (if only there was still a Fan Faire :( ).
  4. duckster Active Member

    Did i hear right that the EU server merges arent going ahead now? So we get to endure the fun of lag going forward?
  5. Caith Developer

    No, items placed in a house are not loaded unless you are in the house. They are considered owned by the house itself.

    I cannot quantify how much lag this produces on a raid force, I just don't have a way to measure that value. I'm not trying to say it is a significant factor in your raid lag, because I don't know. I am also not saying you will not see a reduction in lag if you reduced the items on your raid force, because again I do not know if the amount it contributes is significant enough to notice or not.

    All I was pointing out in that thread was the fact that it does contribute, so drastically increasing inventory space is not something we are going to be doing.
    Neiloch likes this.
  6. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Well I can see why the personal inventory might be loaded. It could be difficult to 'filter' combat items if they didn't start doing that from day 1 so they would have a huge backlog by now.

    But bank, shared bank and house vault seems rather odd since, AFAIK, its impossible or at the very least not intended that characters be able to access these things from adventure instances, so why not just skip loading them entirely unless they are being 'checked' for some other reason?
  7. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Is it just the IDs of the items being stored? That doesn't seem like it should be a huge amount. Or is extra data being stored with each item? For example, a piece of armor stored in my bank doesn't need to have its stats and effects stored with my character until I physically open the bank, and box and tooltip on it. Then those actions retrieve all the information necessary for the item. However, before I even do those steps, only the header/ID information for the armor is stored with my character. (I haven't made any databases combined with programming for eons so I might not be making any sense). Unless all of the header information for every item is huge and is breaking some 3+ GB memory limit of EQ2, when I have free gigs of RAM and write-space still available on my PC.

    Irregardless, this doesn't explain why Rum Cellar x4 (which used to be really damn laggy) is now acceptably laggy. I can actually press 3-4 CAs inbetween autoattacks and not worry about stealth breaking at all. However, every time, on specific fights like Psionists, Magicians, and Forge Golem, I can't even play my class because In Plain Sight, and 2 abilities (which should be impossible to fail: Predator's Final Trick and Trickster's Mockery) blowout before their full duration. In those fights, I can only press 1 to 2 CAs and then every autoattack hangs an extra 1-2 seconds. All our melee classes with CAs or spells have to worry about getting them to fire in-between autoattacks and have to smash keys continuously hoping they activate in time. Yet we don't have that much of an issue with lag on all our other fights. There are times that other fights are laggy, but I attribute those with other raids going on at the same time due to what an SOE network engineer told me how EQ2's instances worked a couple years ago.
  8. Deezknives New Member

    All I know it this.. I cannot complete an ffu during big aoe fights.. Sometimes even with 10+ seconds of pft.. Let alone the 7 that IPS gives..that's not even mentioning, if I even attempt to stop to let and auto Attack go off.. During IPS.. Rip ffu chain. Because the auto with take 3 seconds to go off while my AA bars are just sitting there completely full... One thing that made a huge difference? Warlock cloak. Mogrim had to tank one fight..and immediately everyone noticed a huge lag difference..all the scouts were loving it.. Soon as he came back? Lag was 20% worse.. Soon as he clicked that awful cloak.. Unplayable.. So it seems anything raid wide.. The game just can't handle..brother hood rings.. Raid wide procs ...cloaks that cause huge numbers to be calculated raid or group wide.. Just decimate this game..and scouts with it... I'm thinking about rolling a mage soni no longer have to lose millions of DPS.. Thanks to lag.. But figured I'd post.. And let people know my experiences.. There is a thread about the warlock cloak Mogrim made..I realize some of the suggestions are bit over the top.. But I'd almost want warlock cloak to get more op than be devastated by its current state of lag when clicked.. Let's get some posts there and the devs some ideas to work with. Something simple.. Not hard to change.. Which keeps the cloak about the same strength. without ruining everyone's game experience by the god awful lag.. Reminds me of etox..before they fixed that .... Cheers!
  9. Lea Plath Active Member

    Care to share? I'm trying to build a portrait of lag in EQ2
  10. Nkito Well-Known Member

    I thought the move to eliminate raid wide procs was something acknowledged and confirmed even prior to ToT? It seems such an obvious and straightforward change to itemization I do not understand why I see these continue to rollout on new drops.

    If it's raid wide just drop the procs per minute, the ae or range calculations, etc.. All of the stuff that requires calculation during combat. I know this has been said many times before, I'm just trying to understand why it has not been implemented yet.

    Can keep the interesting, incrementing, etc procs on group stuff but if it's raid wide it really needs to be static so it only needs to be calculated when items are equipped/removed or if a person joins or leaves the raid.
  11. Kelvani Well-Known Member

    Wow.. my vault is packed full of housing items. Time for me to rethink using it if that helps reduce lag! Is the broker also considered part of our inventory?
    Jrel likes this.
  12. Arclite Well-Known Member

    So EU servers are not getting a server merge and no hardware upgrade. You know guys, it is a lot simpler to just tell us to stop playing and go f2p instead.

    Not a single response to questions about lag during the live stream. Pathetic.
  13. Jrel Well-Known Member

    This was back in Destiny of Velious era and the raid instance architecture may be quite different now. The network engineer said our raid zones were virtual instances on a server. He removed our raid force (Death Before Dishonor guild) from the zone and put us into another zone with more CPU resources. IIRC, CS had responded to my petition about the raid zone lag within 30 minutes or so after 8PM CST. Right from the zone-in with the trash, the combat lag was extreme. I'd put it at the level of current psionists and magicians, and during the AOE fights of Distillery X4 when it used to lag hard for us last year.
  14. Jrel Well-Known Member

    What is also interesting is that if an entire group is missing (3-group raid), with all the current procs, the lag is mostly gone.
  15. Nkito Well-Known Member

    Now that you mention it I did notice the same exact thing, with 3 groups the lag was much closer to single group heroic levels than it was to typical x4 lag.

    Would hate to think so but it's possible the sweet spot for total raid effectiveness on these certain fights ends up being x3.
  16. Ansom Active Member

    Why not use a "raid record", on a regular named with few lag, put the data in a simulator, and try to change some variable and see whats appends?

    Or ask to a raid force to raid in a "monitored" situation, for try to find the weak chain ring?
  17. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Lag tonight in "Forge of Ashes" was MUCH less than it has been in MONTHS. I don't know if something got changed or what but this is the type of performance I would expect 100% of the time, not 4-5 second ability lag on every attack. I wish I could start a kickstarter just to fund research on what the difference was.
    DoomDrake and Jrel like this.
  18. Ilyriel-Jentara Active Member

    No fae fire procs possibly.
  19. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    This is also possible, we had a Fury free raid the entire forge run.
  20. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    Not sure if it was WoW or EQ2 that talked about proc damages were causing lag as the calculations were slowing things down. Just a thought.