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Extreme Lag in Raid Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Ormy, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Jrel Well-Known Member

    My 2.4 sec autoattacks are normally 2.6 to 2.7 without lag. Also posted: Incomplete FFUs due to IPS dying midway during 7s duration.
    From last two days:

    KP x4:
    Ojuti 3.18s autos. Incomplete FFUs: 2 of 2 attempts.
    Psionists: 4.87s autos. Incomplete FFUs: 11 out of 13. IPS dying midway: 15 out of 28 total FFU attempts.
    Yno: 3.32s

    Maldura x4:
    Delmun: 4.15s autos. Incomplete FFUs: 2 of 2
    Magicians: 4.41s autos. Incomplete FFUs: 3 of 4. IPS dying midway: 2 out of 6 total attempts.
    Captains: 3.22s autos. Incomplete FFUs: 5 of 7. IPS dying midway: 1 out of 8 total attempts.

    Distillery x4:
    I was laggy in this zone with autos ranging from 2.6 to 3.8 on some names, but I had no problems completing any FFUs. Incomplete FFUs: Zero of 8.
  2. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Any updates? We tried taking off all our group and raid proccing items and there was still more than an acceptable amount of lag, so something else is seriously going on. Again, any assassins wanting to app and try parsing through this mess, please do; I'm sick of it.
    Faelen likes this.
  3. kluxor Well-Known Member

    My parses would look so much better if there wasn't as much lag, especially on Ae encounters like psionists and magicians. When its real bad I'll stalk into massacre, stealth assault, IPS, then finish the chain. Which doesn't always work out so well since I'll be trying to anticipate ravaging. Either way is a gamble...finish ff without a ravaging proc, or wait for ravaging and not finish FF in time anyways.

    Unhide your eq2u profile too so we can peak out what you're running too btw
  4. duckster Active Member

    Unplayable on Splitpaw two evenings ago.

    Its going to be interesting when our russian neighbours join at the end of the month to add into the mix.
  5. Jrel Well-Known Member

    The lag seemed to better the past two days, but it is still bad enough to make In Plain Sight break early because of autoattack hangs. Also, tonight on Psionists, PFT died twice after 5-6 seconds (normally 10s duration) , and Trickster's Folly died after 1 minute (normally 3 min duration).

    I don't understand why I can lag in Rum Cellar raid zone, but have no autoattack hangs or any stealth fails, while the current ToT zones, it is just bad.
  6. Tabri Well-Known Member

    I dont know what was going on last night March 2, during primetime hours but the lag was the worse than I have seen in a long time and it was raidwide in all of the raid zones we did in ToT.
  7. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Gross lag on Maj'Dul in KP X4 zone right now. 8PM CST plus. I'm getting an extra 2.06s on autoattacks with 2.4 sec wpns, 1-2 CAs per autoattack on Psionists. Mages only getting an extra 0.49s autoattacks with 1.8s weapons. Network engineers are free to come join the fun...
  8. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I was wondering since entire raids using '/combat_filter 1' seems to help a little if its actually a ISP bandwidth problem. Its my understanding the command tells the server to simply not send the data to that client, so could it be that certain servers (the ones hosting active raid instances for example) simply aren't getting enough bandwidth to send data and are bottle-necking?
    Hiza likes this.
  9. Jrel Well-Known Member

    I switched combat filters around during the fight, and watched the packet meter, and they didn't go down for me with 2 or 1. Got 254K to 298K continously. I even have a lot of heal stuff, stoneskin msgs, etc. pet stuff, turned off.
  10. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Makes mine go down a bit still but again you will see zero difference performance wise unless the entire raid is doing it, not just one person even if its yourself.
  11. Jrel Well-Known Member

    What I'm saying is server-side filtering didn't do anything for me. I expected the amount of data to go down. Not increase.
  12. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    I invite you all to come raid on EU servers and try out our lag!
    duckster and Beee like this.
  13. duckster Active Member

    Its ok we got new(old) hardware coming soon(tm).
  14. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I honestly hope the GU comes with a whole slew of new BiS jewelry from its heroic and raid zones that follow the formula of no effect and bigger static stats we have been seeing with items lately. Even if its just a side grade but just static stats instead of effects.
    Jrel likes this.
  15. Arclite Well-Known Member

    Goodness gracious me, lag on splitpaw right now is now so bad, that i think I saw Holly waving at me when I was zoning out of Hive mind. I also saw gninja with a harp in the background or may be it was a ghosto_O...
  16. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Lag report this week: (Incomplete Fatal Followups meaning IPS dying suddenly/midway from raid lag, or autoattacks hanging way too long causing the inability to complete all stealth attacks within 7s).

    Maldura x4:
    Magicians: 4.28s autos with 2.4s wpns, could only press 1 to 2 CAs per autoattack with hang. Incomplete Fatal Followups: 4 of 4. In Plain Sight dying midway: 4 of 4. Fatal Followup not even working properly: 2 of 4.

    Hive Mind x4:
    Psionists: Really strange lag. 3.28s autos, but could only press 1 to 2 CAs per autoattack with hang. Incomplete Fatal Followups: 15 of 15. In Plain Sight dying instantly: 3 of 3.
  17. Lea Plath Active Member

    Question people. Caith said in a different post that items in inventory cause lag for a zone.

    I've let my guild know and we are trying a new thing where before raid we bank everything we don't need, all currency and all mounts except equipped ones.

    Can you try it and see if it makes a difference for your guild?
  18. rutro Well-Known Member

    might be your Wi Fi modem that ya have in that entertainment center. LOL or that laptop that you could fry an egg on...LOL
  19. Amaitae Active Member

    Are you working at customer support ?
  20. Caith Developer

    Your bank is considered a part of your inventory. So is your house vault and shared bank. If it's stored in a place where your character is considered the owner of the item, then it is loaded as part of that process.