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EverQuest II Producer's Letter July 2022

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Jul 19, 2022.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager


    You won’t want to Myth this!

    It's been over three months since my last Producer's Letter, and so much has happened with so much more to come, and the year is only halfway done! Thank you all for continuing to enjoy EverQuest II, it brings us infinite joy knowing you are choosing to spend your time with us.

    As mentioned in the last Producer's Letter, we shared the 2022 Roadmap with you all. In case you missed it, you can find the original article here: EQII Roadmap 2022. We've continued on-course as well as supplied fixes and improvements along the way. Read more about the past events via the links below.

    2022 Roadmap Update:
    Coming up soon (details below):
    • July:
      • GU120 Open Beta
    • August:
      • Summer Jubilee's Oceansfull begins
      • GU120 Launch
    • September:
      • Swag Store
      • 2022's Expansion Prelude - A new expansion deserves a new prelude, complete with new items and new quests!
      • Panda, Panda, Panda Updates - The Hua Mein event of the year returns! You never know what they'll ask of you, or where it'll require you to go.
    Our second game update of 2022, GU120, has been officially named: "Myths and Monoliths." EverQuest® II Myths and Monoliths™ will launch on live servers in August 2022. The Game Update is bringing to you the ever-anticipated Fabled Veeshan’s Peak, and just for fun, Fabled Kurn's Tower. Kurn's Tower will include heroic, solo and x2 versions, plus new collections. Open beta testing begins on July 26, 2022. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on how to participate in beta.

    Oceansfull begins the third phase of the Summer Jubilee and will be your last chance to get and power up the Golden F'Aestival Bracers. Once powered up, you will get a new buff, Steam Powered Metabolism. Read more about the Summer Jubilee here.

    In other news, Darkpaw Games, as part of Daybreak Games' DE&I initiative, recently pledged a donation of $5,000 to The San Diego LGBT Community Center. One of the many projects this organization works on is helping to solve the housing crisis in San Diego.

    Later this year, in November, we'll be teaming up with Extra Life again to help improve kids' health. The official Extra Life Game Day is November 5, 2022, and we're planning some fun things for everyone, so be on the lookout for the announcement! If you would like to know more, please visit our Extra Life Announcement from 2021. Fun times, great games, excellent cause!

    A sneak peak of the new armor visuals releasing with the expansion.

    That's not all. We've already begun to work on EverQuest® II's 19th expansion! The lore is being researched, the design documents have been written, and zone art is in full swing. We know you're all curious about what is happening, but you'll just have to wait a bit longer! Before you know it, it'll be time to grab your friends and get to adventuring and tradeskilling in some fantastic new lands and some that have been re-imagined.

    Be sure you have all your ducks in a Ro,
    Jenn Chan
    Head of Studio

    Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

  2. Suzze/Barshen/Baratroub Active Member

    Curious Question.... The Golden Bracers, Is there any Talk of Upgrading after they are completed or offering an Upgrade to them? Not bad Bracer, but 340 Resolve is taking some Major steps backwards for me and Not worth Having.
    Beee and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Love the dragon on your top, Ms Chan! Also the look of the new upcoming armor. <3
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Take with a grain of salt, but one player told me that Mint on the Discord mentioned that the bracers get upgraded stats for everyone who has completed all three events. I cannot find any such mention by searching for Mint's posts.
  5. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    So is there any word on the planned Heroic Opportunity revamp that was listed on the Roadmap? I know I remember reading about it, but it's not there anymore.
    Smashey and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  6. Bludd Well-Known Member

    mint said that screenshot was from a private message and is not to be considered official. it was him musing their internal thinking
  7. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I think Mint is hitting the Schnapps early today!
  8. Dude Well-Known Member

    Did Mint bring enough for everyone?
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    He never does.
    Breanna, Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Dude like this.
  10. Bludd Well-Known Member

    mint juleps for everyone! \o\ \o/ /o/
  11. Svenone Well-Known Member

    Is this a hint for the next update? Could be Solusek Ro related, or maybe they will be expanding on the Desert of Flame (Ro) expansion?
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Made with schnapps? :confused:

    Also: what's the Swag Store thing in September? :)

    (And Extra Life is gonna be on Guy Fawkes' Day weekend? ;-> All the more reason to "Remember, remember/The fifth of November...")

    I can recall way back when, when the double-whammy of a hurricane and earthquake hit Haiti (2010), and SOE did a fund-raising thing...I was a bit leery about funding just any old charity online, but SOE offered us a full set of beautiful green Appearance armor on the Marketplace, and the $10 we'd pay for it would all go directly to their relief funding that they'd send to Haiti, or at least the charities they worked with (my first Ranger character still wears his); something similar was done for Japan for Fukushima with a house item. Will there be any offers for cool stuff for players to help with DBG's contributions to the Community Center? :)

    Breanna and Rosyposy like this.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Or it could just be related to her love of puns, apparently. ;->

    Or both... :D

    Or! We could be getting new Food house items that are "cooked fowl" (duck? ;)) without the plate, trimmings, etc.! :D Like the plain Corned Beef, etc. :)

    Or different duck mounts? :-/

    Breanna, Alyndrys and Twyla like this.
  14. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    dreams of Desert of Ro, a rare spawn contested giant for boots of speed quest
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    "As you cruise through Summer Jubilee and complete this summer's in-game events, the stats get better and better making you all the more powerful. Now, if you miss Tinkerfest, you can still unlock the Golden F'Aestival Bracers during Scorched Sky or Oceansfull, but you'll miss out on the previous event's stat bonus so keep that in mind."

    Keep in mind, these bracers were not meant to be better than the BiS bracers, they were just meant to be close.
  16. Tyger Member

    It may be a subtle hint they might be using some of the zones of the Prophecy of Ro EQ1 expansion
  17. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    The drink of the summer is Dirty Shirley and I must admit my daughter has me addicted to them!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Twyla like this.
  18. Miragian Well-Known Member

    The Heroic Opportunity revamp is still in the roadmap in the same place it was before, December.

    Given that there are 355 resolve ones that come out of Den 2 challenge 340 isn't really even "close" for most people. I don't know if those are BiS but a 15 point difference is pretty big for the majority of us. 350 would be "close." to without being better then.
  19. Arclite Well-Known Member

    Yes the resolve needs to go up to at least be on par with what challenge den 2 can drop if this is to be a best in slot item (which I think it is touted to be given how it has been advertised and have prerequisites). Resolve would not have been an issue if it was not for the 5% increase in base stats that comes with every 5 increase in resolve. Assuming fabled VP and Kurn's is going to up the resolve requirement (may be not from named one but end bosses) anything less than 360 is not going to be worth it.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  20. Saelfina Member

    Thanks for the update Ms. Chen, and thanks to all those working so hard on the many facets of the game.

    I love new stuffs! Sometimes, I am not able to get to it right away, but seeing new things helps to keep me motivated and playing!.