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EverQuest II Producer’s Letter July 2023

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Smallcorners Well-Known Member

    I still go there on Live. Some of us are not in a race to the end.
    Twyla, Breanna and Schmetterling like this.
  2. KLM69 New Member

  3. Sedient Active Member

    I love that there is a still a lot of effort going in to building the game. I just hope that there has been some meetings where the devs and the business people took an honest look at this current xpac, the complaints and the sometimes complete lack of fun in the zones and the content and made a decision to listen to the players. The gear progression was completely broken. Stop looking for "clever" ways to make things interesting that really just make people grind into a rage. VoV was pretty good.. I know a lot of people that liked it. It's almost like you took everything you did well, that made it fun and decided to throw it out and tick everyone off. Stop making gear that gives us a stat we require but also takes a stat away that you know we want. The whole concept around CBOC this xpac was stupid. I really could go on and on.. and I would if I thought that it mattered, but it's clear from how many people have rage quit this xpac with little or no change that it doesn't really matter.

    Like I said, I love that a lot of effort is going into content, but content for the sake of content without a cohesive strategy and progression is not worth it. Figure out how to bring people back.
    Smashey and Twyla like this.
  4. DENSER Well-Known Member

    Bring back heritage quest for gear or craft, make them Seasonal if you want to space them out .
    Open areas like varsoon , runny.In short, do what has worked before.
    Twyla likes this.
  5. Dgkelly38 Active Member

    A variant of my suggestion is that it's either whichever new faction will be in the expansion, or an existing one has something new it's arsenal and decided they're ready to go abroad.
  6. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    the one thing I am thinking would be a good idea is mobs that show up later in expansion should get their lore and legends expanded so such a mob does not go gray if they are still around 20 levels later.
    Twyla likes this.
  7. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I know it came down to a lack of manpower to program it, but the lack of a Shissar L&L during the two expansions where they were the absolute big bad monsters was a total missed opportunity.
    Smashey, Breanna and Twyla like this.
  8. Shan New Member

    So now make all servers pvp!
  9. SynnikuL Active Member

    I wish they'd quit wasting what little time/resources they have left on PvP. Hasn't it been proven countless times that it's a failed endeavor in this game?
    Smashey likes this.
  10. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Producer's Letter was edited 8/8/2023 for a date change to the Open Beta for Shattered Overture. It will begin on August 29, 2023 instead of September 5, 2023.
    Twyla and Jinksie like this.
  11. Nunja Well-Known Member

    Open Beta for Shattered Overture will begin on September 5 August 29, 2023.
    Shattered Overture not Shattered Lands.
  12. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Thank you, I had fixed it at the same time you posted that. We both posted 13 minutes ago.
  13. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    old man Silver is missing from Kaylong planes.
    I put this into the right place.
  14. KLM69 New Member

  15. Evilary Well-Known Member

    With the month of August half over, does this mean all of this will be the end of September since no Beta or Testing has started? I like to see a producer's letter but I would like it more if it was a monthly thing instead of whatever cycle it is now. I have watched for an August producer's letter for a few weeks now. I am beginning to think there will not be one.
  16. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Where is it?

    So far we've only seen minimal item updates, which should be usable for a maximum of about 10 weeks and crap.
  17. Taled Well-Known Member

    We're *three* days into the game update.

    Maybe let people try to finish the content before you complain the carry over item doesn't exist?
  18. Chimeron Member

    <3 amen
    Twyla likes this.
  19. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Better planning in the future please.

    Its as expected. Very few people even care about H3 and people login to do weeklies only with a complete gear reset coming in 3 months.
  20. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    As you can see, things are always deleted because it is not appropriate to prevent discussions.

    That's okay, but it also prevents people from objectively expressing their opinions.

    Of course, translation errors do happen, especially when it comes to sensitive topics.

    But that's really not intentional, we've known the developers long enough to know that this wasn't or isn't meant negatively against them.20 years is a damn long time... why does this have to be destroyed now with too harsh and devastating evaluations of the postings?
    CSP84 and Twyla like this.