EverQuest II Achievement System

Discussion in 'Developer Roundtable' started by ARCHIVED-Rothgar, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Pitt Hammerfist Guest

    To people complaining about going back and doing stuff, no one is forcing you to.
  2. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Perfect answer imo, not just in what the answer was, but in the way it was delivered. Can you go give Kirstie some lessons?
  3. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Deson wrote:
    Not sure about you, but this makes me wish Rothgar did Research Assistants...
  4. ARCHIVED-axl_2baz Guest

    Sorry id I missed the part where it is told : Will be the achievement be per account or per character ?
  5. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    I want a plushie/pet for every x4 named with a unique model that I kill!
  6. ARCHIVED-EQer Guest

    Just a thought - Any chance of integrating achievements with character leaderboards?
    - Highest Magical Hit
    - Highest Melee Hit
    - Most NPC Kills
    - Most Deaths
    At the moment, there are no rewards or permanent recognition for becoming the leader at a point in time.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kigneer Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Too late now, but it would've been sweet when I reached Master Provisioner status. It was like the most kept secret in Norrath, although it was THE epic tradeskill event. Another achievement due to work would be for completing HQs. Becoming a Relic Keeper, or better Artifact Raider, means you really grinded through some long and painful HQs (and god that Cloak of Flames was the longest quest I did in EQ2, Screaming Mace wasn't as long -- most won't do that cloak quest as it can take months to complete -- completing that one should be announced server wide! I loved it though, as it's an example of a solo quest that can be as tough to accomplish as raiding for 4 months for equal time invested, even if gray. Wikia is right, we need more of these difficult solo quests that really make you feel like you accomplished something USEFUL [HQ gear tends to be even subpar to even MC]). What would be nice for an achievement system is much like what other games have done (BF2142 for example offers unlocks at certain ranks). Unlocks can be almost anything, but something USEFUL for those willing to take the time and effort to reach some goal/goals to obtain that right. Something that is a combination of a Signature and HQ quest lines, unlocks some special ability, and can be used more for a specific task. Encourage doing harder content, but don't just limit hard content to raid zones. Let folks pace themselves for a change, not just hurry-up-let's-farm-names outcome that plagues the game as it is now.
  8. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Chath@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I want to stress on this. Rewards can be meaningful and not fluff while at the same time not must-have for raiding.
    My previous example of 'Common Lands Expert' Achievement could yield a +10% base damage vs creatures in common lands.
    It's a meaningful reward yet isn't a must-have by any means.
    The slayer tasks could have a 1/min proc vs that creature type. Again, nothing must-have, but something that is reasonable that your toon after killing xxxxx many of creature y, would develope some minor additionalefficiency at killing them.
    Again, here is what I think are great examples of achievements / rewards that make for the system to be something that engages players for slightly more than e-preen measurement.
  9. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Can we NOT have this part, or at least turn off the notification message, PLEASE?
    Edit: Just so everyone is clear, what I mean is that I'd like to be able to NOT see when OTHER people get one of these things. I don't care if they can see a message about me, or not ... so long as I can turn it off, so can they.
  10. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    Items crafted - Gives a HUGE advantage to Alch and WW since they make large stacks and each item in the stack counts as 1.
    Pls no kill count reset and keep the old titles. I worked very hard to get Destroyer of Brownies ! .. I think a great reward for destroyer type of achievements would be a plushie of that race for you house or a mounted head for your wall.

    two ideas I came up with while typing this ...
    - food/drink consumed
    - Alcohol tolerance of 700
  11. ARCHIVED-Legion11 Guest

    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, as I only read 2 of the 6 pages:
    With the tracking system in place, will I be able to tell which specific named mobs I've defeated on a certain character? I, like many others, have several alts - and it's very hard to keep straight which named I've killed with which toon. I'm a completist, and I rarely leave a zone until I've killed EVERY named mob at least once for the Achievement (err.... make that AA) experience.
    It would be wonderful if we could enter a zone, and do a sorted search on "named kills" in "current zone" so I can see which ones I still need.
  12. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    You have an opportunity here to make this into something much better for the game.
    Yes, you already have a quest system with rewards, but quests provide experience and items. What EQ2 is missing is character distinction tasks. Achievements could be an avenue to allow people to focus on parts of the game they enjoy and reward them with character customizations.
    I would urge you and the team to spend a bit more time thinking about how rewards could provide more character distinction far beyond a tittle we likely wont use often (and is easily not displayed by most player's clients that I know). They can be much more exciting and provide uniqueness in minor abilities, character appearance, and novelty.
    I STRONGLY urge you to remember that titles and house items are invisible in the world, they are fluff that largely only the player sees themselves and isn't actually anything that sets me apart from every other barbarian guardian in the world.
    I think adding an achievement system without spending more time thinking about how it can make the game more in depth and provide players with something really new to have, would be a bad decision. It's a good idea, but if you cant take it far enough to add real fun and value to the players I _STRONGLY_ urge you to back burner this feature until it can be delivered as such.
    There are only so many additional systems that can be tacked on with the potential for character distinction. This particular system screams to be a perfect fit for this, please don't deliver a watered down fluff system that doesn't provide a system to add character differentiation.
  13. ARCHIVED-Argyuile Guest

    Argyuiles Failchievments

    • 1 Million damage caused to friendly toons on Meastro
    • 200 Guildmates kicked by Trak Hourglass
    • 50 Wipes caused on Switchmaster due to not reaching the portal
    • 100 Adds Reach Them-na whatever (the snake)
    • 50 wipes caused on Myznok because I couldnt hit the lampost
    • 50 wipes caused on Zarrakon because I couldnt make it to the pool
    • 200 Guildmates force targed because I couldnt stop my own dps for 3 seconds on Byzola
    • The Cant read my detrimental window achievment by getting any 3 failcheivments
    • Negative DPS Failchievment for healing more on a raid mob than damaged you've caused
    • The adds are hard achievment for letting Xebnok's adds kill you 50 times

    Thats all I have for now.
  14. ARCHIVED-Kordran Guest

    Don't forget "100 wipes on Venril Sathir because I can't manage my own power".
    Gotta mention Venril, even if he is old school now.
  15. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    It's just a chat message. We have a chat filter system that allows you to ignore certain types of messages.
  16. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    While I appreciate your STRONG urgings, I think you're trying to turn this system into something it wasn't designed to be. Your idea for additional character customization has merit, but I don't think it fits with the idea of the achievement system. We already have an alternate advancement system that has a goal very similar to what you're proposing. The achievement system is there to measure your "progress" for lack of better term in all areas of the game. Its not intended to be part of the lore like quests are. Some of the achievements will be very trivial to obtain and meant to be funny and entertaining. Some will be very difficult to obtain but will allow other players to see your dedication to certain aspects of gameplay. The intent here is not to provide an additional avenue of character customization with this feature. It doesn't mean we can't explore this idea in another way though.
  17. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    Argyuile@Unrest wrote:
    Haha, those are very funny. And I must say, you seem to be extremely knowledgable in the area of raid wiping! :)
  18. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    No you do not. You have an alternate advacement system that almost everyone in your class goes the exact same path down.
    I contend, every raid guardian is without a 3% deviation of the exact same aa spec. So while you guys might like to think of the AA system as class distinction, it just really isn't, as for nearly every class there is generally one, maybe two at best sane options to go down, so we're all basically the same.
    One of the largest complaints I hear from players that tried eq2 and left was due to lack of ways to make their character distinct. Achievements is the only thing thats been talked about in a great while that could offer specialization that wouldn't be exactly the same for every other 'barbarian guardian' in the world. My fear is if we ignore this opportunity to explore it, we'd need to bolt on yet another similar system and people are already confused by achievement/alternate distinctions from this proposal, as such, a 3rd system seems crazy.
  19. ARCHIVED-Argyuile Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    So your saying that if there is some achievment that gives you an ability thats good for gaurdians 97% of the Gaurdians won't get it? The fact is, if it has a good in game effect everyone who benifits from that effect will get it making it no different from any other skill on your AA tree.
  20. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    That's because the system is in a dire need of an overhaul to make the lines universally useful. The reason so many classes are near each other on spec is because itemization, content and mechanics have all converged with neglect to make so many lines useless(some started that way). AA need to be redone fix to this but it should not be the job of a fluff system. The rewards as proposed are fine and what you suggest would at absolute best only cosmetically covers deeper issues in EQ2.