Ethereal rewards from Wizard's perspective

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Shaoli, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. Shaoli Member

    The purpose of this thread is to proove that Ethereal rewards yield little, if any benefits to a raiding wizard, and, perhaps, to request Devs to boost rewards.
    I'm only interested in stats that affect DPS.
    my char (just for reference)
    Ethereal GM cloak(+rune):
    +138 int
    +202 potency
    +5 c.b. overcap
    -5[adc chance proc]
    +1 adc
    +fusion boost
    +472 disruption
    +Heighthened Ability proc
    Ethereal belt(with rune):
    -457 Disruption
    -449 crit chance
    -1 fervor
    -purple rune slot {WTF???}
    +283 int
    +1.5 adc
    +2000 potency
    Running Total:
    (Following calculations and estimates are true only for my character)
    I can explain any of the following if you ask me to

    +5 c.b. overcap ~ minimal/no difference
    +15 disruption ~ minimal/no difference
    +Heighthened Ability proc ~ minimal/no difference
    +fusion boost ~ some dps increase, but I'm running left spec(no fusion resets)

    +421 int ~ 2% dps increase
    +2202 potency ~ 8.6% dps increase

    +2.5 adc [9%->11.5%] ~ Statistics suggest that initial absolute value of adc equals 13.55%. after changing cloak, adc equals 11.5%
    adc summary: ~ 1.8% dps decrease

    -1 fervor ~ 0.4% dps decrease
    -purple rune slot {WTF???} ~ dps decrease. Either choice of unequipping a purple rune results in my dps decrease
    From my character's perspective, all the benefits are minimal, leaving a fusion boost and a loss of a purple rune. Heighthened Ability proc is not even worth mentioning.

    What we really get is a further potency inflation and an inappreciable damage increase

    Please slightly boost the reward
  2. Rondo9 Active Member

    The Wizard rune as well as the Ranger and Assassin rune only add a small amount of potency to intended ability. The wording on the runes needs to changed from "Greatly" to "Slightly".
  3. kluxor Well-Known Member

    Ability double cast and "automatically recast any combat art" are two completely different things.

    But won't disagree with you that the orange runes as a whole are rather disappointing. Wish they would've taken some feedback from the cloak fiasco during ToT
    Earar and Mermut like this.
  4. Shaoli Member

    Yes, kluxor, I re-evaluated that fact and benficial-only 375 belt crit chance. Given all that, Ethereals are better, but still need a real fusion boost