EQII Extended - Feedback and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Developer Roundtable' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Raknid Guest

    Surely the matrix is wrong. Four races for the Gold level?
  2. ARCHIVED-Iamken Guest

    Okay...I just looked at the FAQ more closely. There are 2 concerns of mine:

    1. EQX is going to have their own servers? This does not help the population on the existing servers at all. Please look into integrating this on all servers.
    2. I have a station account which has 10 character slots. When EQX goes live I'm going to suddenly lose 3 slots and go back to 7? ...or is this only true if you have a SC account on the EQX servers?
  3. ARCHIVED-Gilasil Guest

    So let me see if I've got this right.
    You'll be able to buy more gear on the marketplace, but that gear will still be inferior to legendary and fabled.
    So basically, you'd be able to buy mastercrafted on the market place (where mastercrafted is inferior to legendary anyway).
    Why bother? Mastercrafted is easy to get now and at the top tier available I for one quickly move beyond it as fast as I can.
    But if you're happy with whatever limitations they impose, you do get to play for free. Maybe they figure enough people will want to start paying the $15/mo once they've been playing awhile and the restrictions are starting to get tiresome.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    That could've been used to further reinforce existing servers that are all but unplayable during prime time.
  5. ARCHIVED-Loladen Guest

    The less features for the F2P servers, the better. You NEED to be giving them perks to actually play on the live servers.
  6. ARCHIVED-BearClaw Guest

    P.S. This thread will be heavily moderated, Please keep it civil and PG rated or risk having your posting privileges suspended.
    This isnt a warning, just a heads up ;)
  7. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Hmm... old VG or EQ1 hardware maybe? Or is the old AB/Nagafen hardware going for the free to play service instead of the other servers? It has to come from somewhere, and I know there's a lot of folks like myself that would like to know that the new hardware isn't coming from anything EQ2.
  8. ARCHIVED-EtoilePirate Guest

    Raknid wrote:
    Yeah, that just made me exclaim an expletive aloud at my computer. Surely no-one's foolish enough to cripple the accounts of the $15/month paying subscriber base?
  9. ARCHIVED-Grumble69 Guest

    Personally I think it's a great idea. It makes it much easier for someone to try out EQ2. You can muck around on the free side at your own pace and get a good taste of the game.
    EDIT: This has the potential to bring some long needed new blood to the game.
  10. ARCHIVED-Anduri Guest

    I'm actually disappointed this isn't being put onto the current servers, albeit without the ability to buy equipment.
    As it stands, I can't see many new players on the extended servers coming over to ours.
  11. ARCHIVED-kcirrot Guest

    Going out to buy a big bag of popcorn, because this thread is going to be epic.

    As for the idea, good idea SOE!
  12. ARCHIVED-Loladen Guest

    Well, let's say this feature DOES make a lot of money.

    Will that money be used to give more support to the F2P servers, or the current subscriber servers, or both?
  13. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Looking at this subscription matrix, I can see it already in level chat on the Extended servers:
    "Palace group LFM, must be subscribed Gold subscriber or better because Adept spells won't be good enough for us, PST"
    This will make PUGging a pretty exclusive thing on these servers I fear.

    Otherwise, yeah, I'm a bit worried too as a long-time regular subscriber. Worried at the unforeseen impact this will have on us.
  14. ARCHIVED-Maericus Guest

    Only four free player races for Gold and Platinum memberships?? If I am paying $15 per month or $200 per year, should I not have access to all of the current player races currently available??
  15. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Vinyard@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    What do you think?
  16. ARCHIVED-Jaremai Guest

    BearClaw wrote:
    I'm all for moderation.. but will it be heavily responded to as well?
    If I posted my question earlier (about paying $20 extra on EQX to get +3 character slots) to another forum so it got attention, it would be closed and I'd be pointed here where it gets buried among the thousands of other responses.
    So I went ahead and I've posted in this thread like I'm supposed to.. and I am not expecting it to be answered. How sad is that?
  17. ARCHIVED-SmokeJumper Guest

    We did not change your subscription service. Everquest II Extended (EQ2X) is a completely separate service.
    Different forums. Different servers. If you want to keep playing the way you wish to play, then there is no difference whatsoever. You don't even have to be aware of it (well...after today anyway).
    We're not changing the existing EQII Live subscription service at all.
  18. ARCHIVED-kiyokobabygirl Guest

    My main concern is what about those of us on already thinning populated servers. Instead of opening even MORE servers, and thinning the population even further..... Why not give those of us who have been begging for server merges for quite some time a bone so we have a reason to keep playing.
  19. ARCHIVED-Raknid Guest

    Anduri wrote:
    They CANNOT transfer, so they would have to start over. IMHO that means practically zero bleedover to the existing game.
    For $35 bucks though you can copy your live character over to extended. So I do see some bleed the other way.
    I don't see this as a good thing for the people on the existing servers in any regard.
    Sure, people will say more subs = more money for development, but we have already been down that path with exchange, LoN, and the market place. Refreseh my memory, but didn't live just lose a dev?
    Yeah...place your bets that this will help the live game...and then soon part with that money.
  20. ARCHIVED-Loladen Guest

    SmokeJumper wrote:
    Good to know. EQ2 is the only MMO I find entertaining right now, and I really want to stay hooked playing it.