Eq2.wikia.com - Injecting malware yet again

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Atan, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Atan Well-Known Member

    I rest my case really on why partnering with these slimeballs is a bad idea.

    Yet again, security is compromised at this site, yet again people are getting keyloggers installed, yet again we'll have another rash of 'hacked accounts'.

    I would recommend SoE remove the link to this site and terminate any agreement, They have been notoriously bad about keeping their site secure.
  2. Tylia Well-Known Member

    I've gotten to where I use Zam most of the time because eq2 wikia is so annoying. At least I have never gotten any kind of a warning on the Zam site.
  3. Guiscard Active Member

    Problem is for a lot of things Zam is not as good as Wikia.
    CoLD MeTaL likes this.
  4. Malleria Well-Known Member

    It's funny cause I just got the same malware warning from Chrome trying to access Zam. Good times :rolleyes:
  5. Tylia Well-Known Member

    Wonderful. :rolleyes: I wonder if this stuff is tied to ads? I have ads turned off and java script blocker enabled in Firefox so I have no clue if eq2i has ads or not. I now zam does.
  6. Terein Active Member

    It's happening to a lot of sites, some major ad vendor is doing it probably. The Nexus Mod sites were blocked last week. :\

    Edit: Honestly though eq2i is kind of bad anymore, they finally got Zam into a state where it was actually pretty good, then switched to eq2i for no reason. :s
  7. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Do people still not use AdBlock Plus?
    Eradani and Sixgauge like this.
  8. Mohee Active Member

    Well maybe SoE should officially promote AdBlock plus before officially promoting going to eq2wikia?
  9. Estred Well-Known Member

    Some do not. The SkyrimNexus site put out an article that is is indeed an Ad based injector. Be very vigilant of your systems and where you go.
    Guiscard likes this.
  10. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    Then SOE would be advertising a block to their partners primary revenue stream. Not much in it for eq2wikia if that happens...

    I have wondered what happened behind the scenes... The Zam site was doing very well for itself, and had become significantly more useful/relevant/effective than eq2wikia. I do not know to what extent the Zam site had official support, or if they ever had any to begin with? To someone from the outside (me), it looks like Zam was dropped like a bad habit, in favor of a site that was in a growing state of disrepair and bad repute. Strange...
  11. Uberfuzzy Member

    Yes it is the ads, NOT the wiki its self.
    No, its not just ZAM or Wikia having this issue, it is happening all over the internet.
    Wikia's server security has not been compromised, nor has ZAMs. These sort of things dont happen on the host site's servers. They are always served by externally hosted ads (if you actually read the malware alerts/errors, you will see they usually say where the "bad" is hosted at)
    Yes, it has already been reported to the appropriate people for both sites.

    FYI, The people who maintain the content on the wiki, (who are regular normal people, like me, and hopefully you) have 0 control over the ad system. That's all handled via Wikia Inc's advertising internal teams. Even their Community Support team has 0 control over what ads are shown.

    Here's a fun fact. If you actually take a minute and create a Wikia.com account, and login, you wont see any ads, and no need for an additional software. This account is good for use on any of the x00,000 wikis they have now, not EQ2i.

    Not to detail or hijack the thread, but if you have any specific examples of how the wiki is bad, or sucks, or is worse then x, send me a forum message. We're taking any suggestions for areas of focused improvements, and any criticism is welcome.
  12. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Good thing I always have all scripts blocked as a default setup for Firefox. Though with the Wiki, the waypoint things can be handy. And you need to allow some scripts for them to show.
    Guiscard likes this.
  13. Malleria Well-Known Member

    They'll just sell your email address to mail spam lists instead. Much better!
  14. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Zam at one time had the item feed, but it clearly doesn't have access to that anymore, as it doesn't have very many of the new COE items coming up on a search. It was one of the best parts about Zam. I'm not sure why they stopped giving them access to that, but its obvious Wikia doesn't have it either, as looking up current tier items to find out where they drop is an exercise in frustration.
  15. Spindle Well-Known Member

    Anyone still having problems with this 'malware' announcement? News article reports possible ad either from or bouncing off an ip in Switzerland. Google Chrome has no comments. One person on another site says it appears to have stopped reporting about 2 hours ago.

    So easy to blame SOE for everything.
  16. Payton Active Member

    Wikia is crap!
    nuff said.
  17. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    Not just the eq2 wiki that is getting this, 6 of the other sites that are not eq2 releated are getting the warnings also - it is one or more of the ad services that is having the problem. Not SOE's issue at all
    Neiloch likes this.
  18. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    funny have been getting the same issue on a couple of financial sites that I frequent, so by your theory they have problems with keeping their site secure also.
  19. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    throwaway email addresses are easy to get, I keep a number of them just for situations just like this, use them for all unimportant signons. The email addresses that I use for day to day real world are never used for anything but that and have multiple of them.
    Neiloch likes this.
  20. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Zam has staff who actually run all of the content in Beta and on the Test server, do writeups for all of the quests, events, zones, and expansion info. Wikia is crowdsourced and is up to players to sit down and decide to add content.

    Wiki's approach is great if there are lots of people adding stuff to wiki, but not so great if nobody does this. At the launch of Skyshrine and Chains of Eternity, there was almost nothing on Wiki about the new zones, quests, and, to date, Wikia is still missing huge swaths of Skyshrine and Chains of Eternity.

    As for the relationship with SOE: For ~2 years, Zam received periodic care packages of data from SOE about NPCs, Loot, and Items. As of last year, the folks on the EQ2 team who were packaging up this data have moved on to other game teams, and the focus seems to have shifted to providing Data Feeds to all fan sites that want to use this data.
    Calthine and Cyliena like this.